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Be wary of getting this close to a cassowary!

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Presentation on theme: "Be wary of getting this close to a cassowary!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Be wary of getting this close to a cassowary!

2 It’s a beautiful bird…

3 It’s a beautiful bird… …but its claws and beak can be ferocious!

4 Brush turkeys are pretty cool, too.


6 With a partner, discuss the meaning of the following quotation from “The Adventures of Mega Chicken.” (It’s from page 15 of your packet.) “Only weeks earlier, I had abandoned my safe and secure existence to travel to the Southern Hemisphere and be among wild things. I wanted to pit myself against Nature, to see if a different person would emerge: a stalwart alter ego* that could never be born out of conference rooms and supermarkets and libraries.” * alter ego: another version of one’s self—Clark Kent is Superman’s alter ego; a gruff businessman might have an alter ego as a loving, gentle father.

7 Once you have figured out what this quotation means, discuss whether or not the narrator succeeded in achieving her goal by the end of the story. “Only weeks earlier, I had abandoned my safe and secure existence to travel to the Southern Hemisphere and be among wild things. I wanted to pit myself against Nature, to see if a different person would emerge: a stalwart alter ego* that could never be born out of conference rooms and supermarkets and libraries.” * alter ego: another version of one’s self—Clark Kent is Superman’s alter ego; a gruff businessman might have an alter ego as a loving, gentle father.

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