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Big Fish in a Little Pond: OER in the Liberal Arts

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1 Big Fish in a Little Pond: OER in the Liberal Arts
Lauren Slingluff @Caffeinebrarian #OERgofish

2 Meet “the Pond” Often small and private
Prioritize teaching and instruction Highly relational Strong liberal ideals Aspirations of creating lifelong learners Value inquiry and dialogue #OERgofish

3 Challenges Faculty Governance Lack of government funding
“faculty members have primary responsibility to determine the curriculum, subject matter, methods of instruction, and other academic standards and processes…” Lack of government funding Less awareness of financial need Skepticism over quality of OER Faculty Governance overview SPARC Open State Policy Tracker: Lumen Learning OER adoption impact calculator: -When attempting to use this in 2018 the credit hour cost sliding scale did not go up high enough for a private liberal arts college tuition #OERgofish

4 Strengths Passionate and creative educators
Commitment to issues of diversity and social justice Small infrastructure to navigate #OERgofish

5 Strategies Center the student voice and experience
Connect OER to the greater framework of equity and affordability Emphasize pedagogical benefits Celebrate and promote faculty accomplishments #OERgofish

6 #OERgofish

7 Make a splash with OER! #OERgofish

8 GO FIsh! Think of your own OER pond (your institution)
Identify a strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat S & W are internal, O & T are external factors In pairs or small groups “Go Fish” #OERgofish

9 SWOT Examples (give a man a fish…)
Strengths Faculty focused on pedagogy Passionate about social justice and equity Source of funding for OER grants for faculty Engaged staff, supportive administration, and interested faculty members The President teaches a class using OER and loves it Early OER adopters celebrated in campus magazine as well as local newspaper Weaknesses Faculty unaware of high cost of textbooks Textbook cost not as large a percentage of cost of attendance Perceived low quality of OER resources Ingrained structure supporting “more authoritative” texts New campus advocates who are unfamiliar with the ecosystem Support from administration viewed as “overreach” by faculty Opportunities OER initiative connects with new CTL, Women in STEM initiative, and a HHMI grant to support representation of minorities in STEM fields Regional consortium in MA forming to support OER Threats OER and OA work not valued sufficiently in promotion and tenure process Overworked, overtired, and overloaded faculty Open-washing by publishers and predatory inclusive access models #OERgofish

10 Questions? Presentation:
Handout: The handout is available as a google doc but may need to be downloaded and reformatted to print properly. #OERgofish

11 Wheaton College - OER Adoptions
Individual Adoptions (IA) Course-Wide Adoptions (CWA) Planned Adoptions Physics 110 Economics 112 Biology 115 Psychology 101 Biology 244 Business & Management 210 Religion 102 Biology 105 Biology 221 English 282 German 242 Psychology 345 Physics 170, 171, 180, 181 Chemistry 153 Math 101 & 104 Business & Management 111, 250, 350 Women & Gender Studies 101 Chemistry 232 Fall ’19 Biology 111 & 112 (CWA) French 101 & 102 (CWA) German 101 & 102 (CWA) Psychology 101 (CWA) Psychology 202 (CWA) Wheaton College OER adoptions as of 4/19

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