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Serial Episode 7-8 Vocabulary

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1 Serial Episode 7-8 Vocabulary
Harrowing (adj): extremely distressing or disturbing Tedium (n): the quality of being wearisome Trajectory (n): the path taken by something in air or space, usually like a rocket Debrief (v): To question someone after a mission to gain information Caveat (n): a warning or caution, sometimes in a particularly legal sense Unconventional (adj): Not conforming to usual standards or norms Remorse (n): deep regret for wrongdoing Recant (v): to say that one no longer believes what they once did; to pull back a statement Implicate (v): to show someone that is involved in a crime Informant (n): a person who gives information to someone, usually the police

2 Racial Profiling (n): the practice of categorizing people (usually by police, or another government organization) and predicting their behavior based solely on race Infused (v): to be soaked, poured into, or injected Negligent (adj): lazily careless Malfeasance (n): the performance of a public official of an act that is legally unjustified or maybe even unlawful Mealy (adj): having the texture or look of meal; powdery, soft, crumbly Exonerate (v): to free from guilt or blame Jaded (adj): dulled by overindulgence; worn down from being overworked Premise (n): a proposition that helps support a conclusion Sociopath (n): a person with a personality disorder, which shows itself in anti-social behavior and a lack of conscience Scoff (v): to mock or jeer

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