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Geoscience New BR Monday

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1 Geoscience New BR Monday 9.26.16
BR: Where is the string attached to the mousetrap and to your car? IC: Intro to Mousetrap Cars (MTCs) MTCs Research – body and lever arm HW: MTC supplies DUE 9/30 – body, wheels, axles, and theme

2 Biology Monday BR: What type of microscope will we use in lab? IC: 7.1 Quiz - GOOD LUCK! Microscope features – label diagram* - quiz Wed. over diagram and using a scope pg. A14 Test retakes - optional HW: Ch. 7 vocab pg terms will be DUE 10/4

3 Advanced Biology Monday 9.26.16
BR: Draw one molecule of water, label the atoms, and identify their overall charge. Why is water a charged molecule? IC: Continue 3.2 notes – Properties of water Article 3 – Souring Oceans* HW: Lab reports will be due 9/30 Ch. 2 & 3 test will be Thursday 9/29 Article 3 – Souring Oceans due 10/3

4 iPad Carts The number and charging cable are above each row. Make sure you grab and replace the right iPad.

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