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Stability of g- and s-bands in 182Os in three-dimensional cranked HFB

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1 Stability of g- and s-bands in 182Os in three-dimensional cranked HFB
Y.Hashimoto (Univ. of Tsukuba) and T.Horibata (Aomori University) 1. Introduction 2. Cranked HFB equation 3. 3-dimensional cranking 4. GCM 5. Summary

2 1. Introduction Nucleus: finite quantum mechanical many-body system
Nuclear rotational motion  cranking model * Principal axis rotation (PAR) * Wobbling * Non-principal axis rotation (tilted axis rotation; TAR) Cf. S.W.Odegard et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.86, 5866(2001). D.R.Jensen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.89, (2002).

3 In this talk ... How do the g-band & s-band states react to the tilting of rotation axis? “stability”

4 2. Cranked HFB equation A.K.Kerman and N.Onishi, Nucl.Phys.A361(1981),179

5 1-dimensional cranking

6 pairing energy

7 γ-deformation (degrees)

8 3. 3-dimensional cranking
constraints: x y z ψ

9 (MeV) energy vs tilt angle 18

10 energy vs tilt angle (MeV) TAR?

11 j // μ ?

12 Pair energy proton neutron


14 4. GCM Generator coordinate: tilt angle ψ GCM equation: J=18
Cf. T.Horibata et al., Nucl.Phys.A646(1999), 277. J=18


16 GCM energy norm kernel eigen values 36

17 GCM amplitude

18 5. Summary s-band state is unstable with respect to tilting of rotation axis <--> possibility of TAR ii) GCM calculation: * fluctuation around g-band state * fluctuation around TAR state

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