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FY 2020 PhaseII Budget Process

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1 FY 2020 PhaseII Budget Process
May 20, 2019

2 FY 2020 Phase II Budget Process
Timeline Position Budgeting Application Workday Merit Reporting Questions

3 Timeline May 10th – Data loaded to PBA
May 20th – June 3rd – Phase I Lump Sum FAMIS Entry June 17th – Departmental Access PBA July 8th – Phase II Begins FAMIS budget module opens Nightly feed from PBA to FAMIS begins

4 Timeline July 22nd – Workday merit process initiated
July 29th – Workday merit process launched July 26th – Closing date for PBA July 30th – Last day for FAMIS budget module entry August 8th – Last day for Workday merit entry August 15th “Goldplate” locked August 26th – Phase II budget finalized

5 Position Budgeting Application
The Position Budgeting App (PBA) allows users to prepare Workday costing allocations and FAMIS encumbrances for new fiscal year processing. Additionally, this application passes data to the Data Warehouse to allow for the creation of budget reports in Business Objects Last year the tool was used in conjunction with the Workday merit module and the constant changing of data between the two created challenges with reporting. The main goal for FY 20 was to have access to data which could be manipulated by users and create a salary report which was most relevant for the budget. Salary and costing information from Workday was imported into the PBA on May 10th. The data will not be loaded again and will be the starting point for users. PBA is adloc driven and individual colleges and divisions are making the decision whether to handle centrally or push out to departments Workday will be handled at a high level in each college/division

6 Position Budgeting Application
The Position Budgeting application takes a snapshot of data from Workday on a specific date (May 10th) to allow budget planning for the upcoming fiscal year. This snapshot reflects the compensation of each employee as of that date. Therefore, any compensation changes made in Workday after the snapshot date are not reflected in the Position Budgeting application. HR Partners and Merit Partners can use the Compensation Changes report to audit and identify any employees who had a compensation change after the snapshot date. This will help as a quick check and balance when you are comparing data in Workday and the data in your Position Budgeting application. Salary and costing information from Workday was imported into the PBA on May 10th. The data will not be loaded again and will be the starting point for users. PBA is adloc driven and individual colleges and divisions are making the decision whether to handle centrally or push out to departments Workday will be handled at a high level in each college/division

7 PBA Update Change position information Change salary information
Add Merit, Other Adjustments, Promotion Vacate positions Add new positions Include/Exclude from budget

8 PBA Costing Allocations
Costing allocations are the only changes in the PBA which will feed back to Workday. All other changes must be processed as usual in Workday. If the last costing interval in Workday contains an end date, the costing allocation loaded to the PBA will reflect the default account. The last interval for all costing allocations in the PBA must be open ended Quick Demo using a vacant position –

9 Workday Merit New Features
Additional jobs Rounding Rules New Merit Partner Role New Report showing greater than 500 employees – Complete “In Progress Merit Review Process - Search Employees” Additional jobs will not be rolled into the merit grid For hourly employees – hourly rate will be rounded to 2 decimals which may then change the % Merit will be rolled out to the merit partner NOT the manager

10 Workday Merit Merit Partners roles will have access to enter merit
Users should utilize the Data Warehouse reports generated using PBA data to enter Workday merit Merit Partners should monitor awards entered using the custom Workday report, “In Progress Merit Review Process – Search Employees” to audit merit awards Decisions for merit partner roles have been decided for the colleges and administrative units. PBA will feed the Data Warehouse to create salary budget reports Work period changes/promotion/reclassification/comp change only – all can be handled while Workday merit is occurring without having to remove the individual from the merit grid in Workday. The merit will be stripped

11 Change Impacts During Merit
Type of Change Before Initiation After Initiation Not Launched After Launch But Not Finalized Finalized Before Effective Date (Warning Period) After Effective Date  New Hire No Impact Termination Termination Rule will remove the employee Work Period Changes / Promotion / Reclassification / New Manager No impact NEW RULE: Grid is updated and award entered is zeroed out Merit Grid values take precedence on effective date Compensation Change only One-Time Payment This table shows different type of events that can occur on the left side, and merit stages in the top column. The larger period is after launch and before finalizing Merit. In this period (third column), the NEW RULE will facilitate these parallel events to work together with Merit Process in progress.

12 Reports 901 Salary Report Other Salary Reports
Error reports within the PBA application Workday Reports (only available to HR Partner or Merit Partner) In Progress Merit Review Process – Search Employees to audit merit awards during merit entry Compensation Changes Report – use to verify merit and promotion awards after merit is finalized - We will schedule the reports from the Data Warehouse as soon as they are available - Workday reports should be used to audit and verify the data between Workday and the PBA

13 Additional Training Open lab time will be scheduled in the GSC for anyone wanting more hands on instruction once the applications are “live” in production - We will schedule the reports from the Data Warehouse as soon as they are available - Workday reports should be used to audit and verify the data between Workday and the PBA

14 Questions -

15 Contacts Hotline: 845-8145 E-mail:
Website: Mark Herzog Shelly Janac Tracy Foster Katy Pleasant Deborah Wright

16 Thank You & Happy Budgeting
The Office of Budget & Planning

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