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Corine Land Cover and Land & Ecosystem Accounting tools

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Presentation on theme: "Corine Land Cover and Land & Ecosystem Accounting tools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Corine Land Cover and Land & Ecosystem Accounting tools
Enrichment of the MedWet Inventory Method Exploring applications of Remote Sensing techniques and of Spatial Data Infrastructure Corine Land Cover and Land & Ecosystem Accounting tools Jean-Louis Weber European Environment Agency MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

2 Preamble: a new EEA report to come...
An integrated assessment of issues such as... MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

3 ...coastal erosion... Map 12 Coastal erosion patterns in the European coasts (2004) MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

4 ...pressure on the coast (urban, agriculture)
Map 3 Share of built-up area in the 0–1 km coastal strip, by NUTS 3 (2000) MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

5 ...nature protection which is mostly concentrated on the 1st km of coast...
Figure 11 Distribution of NATURA 2000 sites in coastal zone by 1 km bands from the coastline and in the marine 10 km zone (blue) Source: ETC-TE and ETC-BD/ EEA. 2005, based on Natura2000 database MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

6 ...change in land cover... Figure 1 Land cover change in 19 of the coastal European countries (1990–2000) 10 km coastal zone MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

7 ...urban land take and increase are more important in the 1st km
Figure 4 Change of built-up areas in 0–10 km and 0–1 km coastal zones Source: ETC-TE MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

8 ...and assessment of the ecosystems potentially impacted
Map 5 Wetland concentration in Europe (2000) Source: ETC-TE / EEA. 2005 MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

9 CLC and land & ecosystem accounts: Outline
Corine land cover 1990 & 2000: main sources for assessing land cover state and changes resulting from land use Land accounting as the tool for systematic assessments Land accounts as an infrastructure for developping ecosystem accounts and a tour of Mediterranean wetlands... MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

10 Corine land cover as a common reference
CLC2000 MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

11 CLC: 1 nomenclature for 34 countries (of which 23 completed for 2 dates, 31 for 1 date and 2005 in preparation) 1 Artificial areas 2A Arable land & permanent crops 2B Pastures & mosaics 2B1 Pastures 2B2 Mosaic farmland 3A Forested land 3A1 Standing forests 3A2 Transitional woodland & shrub 3B Semi-natural vegetation 3C Open spaces/ bare soils 4 Wetlands 5 Water bodies MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

12 Wetlands in Corine land cover
NB: Rice fields can be isolated as well and added to the list above CLC maps landscape units > 25 ha and broder than 100 m  small wetlands can be found in other CLC classes, in particular in mosaics of agricuture and nature MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

13 Accounting for Land Cover
MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

14 Accounting with Corine land cover 1990-2000
MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

15 Satellite image (Image 2000)
MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

16 CORINE Land Cover MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

17 European Reference Grid 1x1 Km
MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

18 Land cover accounts are produced for 1 km² grid cells
K1000 E3666 N2073 2 14 71 7 6 Total surface: 100 Ha Each grid cell is given attributes: Country, administrative region, river basin, coastal zone/hinterland, bio-geographical region, river basin, landscape type. It facilitates queries and reporting MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

19 Land cover change accounts: from maps to statistics
Land cover 1990 & 2000 and land cover change are first converted to a grid (below, 3x3 km) LCF1 Urban land management LCF2 Urban residential sprawl LCF3 Sprawl of economic sites and infrastructures LCF4 Agriculture internal conversions LCF5 Conversion from other land cover to agriculture LCF6 Withdrawal of farming LCF7 Forests creation and management LCF8 Water bodies creation and management LCF9 Changes due to natural & multiple causes Individual changes are grouped by land cover flows that describe processes MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

20 And back to maps, e.g. land uptake by artificial development, NUTS2/3, deviation of the European average, mean annual values ESPON HYPERATLAS - MULTISCALAR TERRITORIAL ANALYSIS MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

21 e.g. Urban sprawl in the province of Venice, , cells of 1 km x 1 km – wetlands in the background Wetlands Despite possible threats from sea level rise and the permanent ecological problems of the lagoon due to agriculture eutrophicating surpluses, urban and infrastructures development has continued in the province of Venice. MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

22 From land cover to ecosystem accounting
MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

23 Land based ecosystem accounting
Land use economic & social functions Artificiality of land Intensity of use LAND USE ACCOUNTS Production & Consumption Natural Assets Population Infrastructures & Technologies Ecosystem services potentials Integrity, health & viability Vulnerability ECOSYSTEM ACCOUNTS Soil Flora & Fauna Water system Atmosphere/ Climate CORE LAND COVER ACCOUNT MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

24 Accounting for ecosystems: 5 questions
How many, how much? (land cover units, small ecosystems, rivers, biomass, water...) In which state/health? (¤ homeostasis ¤ resilience ¤ modification process with no return ¤ collapsus) Which supply of goods and services? (availability and use) What are the stresses and stressors? (the responsible sectors) Wealth and other values, the Natural Capital MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

25 Ecosystem health: counts of diversity/integrity
Ecosystem Distress Syndrome model: Disruptions of nutrients cycling (loss or excess) Degradation of substrates (fragmentation, water stress, chemical stress) Change in species composition (invasive…) General approach Systematic check up At any scales For any habitat types Specific diagnosis Selection of markers and threshold values according to: Habitat types (detailed) Region, Context Focussed research of stressors Overharvesting land/rivers restructuring deposition of residuals introduction of species Can be enlarged to: Sustainability of systems (without subsidies, energy input…) Ability to support healthy population MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

26 Framework of Ecosystem and Natural Capital Accounts
Spatial integration Economic sectors Ecosystem Stocks & State Accounts Natural Capital Accounts Basic stocks/flows accounts Material flows & ecosystem services (including land cover accounts) Ecosystem types Supply & use of ecosystem goods and services Counts of integrity/diversity & ecosystem state Natural assets accounts Economic integration MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

27 Ecosystem services Ref to Millennium Ecosystem Assessment:
MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

28 Wetlands accounts application: individual systems and statistical approach
(courtesy Danube Delta National Institute) WETLANDS 1990 OF N-W EUROPE EEA/ETCTE MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

29 Integration of space monitoring into ecosystem accounting: land cover change x NPP x structure/texture x short time variability x stratification of in situ monitoring (biodiversity, water…) Vegetation productivity, seasonal change (MERIS/JRC-IES) Fires Droughts (SPOT4-Vegetation/ CNES – Vito) Forest structure (MODIS-Multi-angle/JRC-IES) Texture, parcelisation changes 1988 – 1998 (Landsat/JRC-IES) MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

30 Integrated land cover, land use and ecosystem monitoring & accounting – a nested approach
T T+10 1/ Corine Land Cover (EU/Countries, Regions, Basins, Ecological corridors) 1/ (LC main trends, Vegetation & Humidity + Pan-European, Global …) Fauna, Flora, Physico-Chemical parameters Socio- Economic Statistics In situ monitoring 1/10 to (Cities, Natura2000 sites, coastal zones, risk areas) MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

31 ... a tour of Mediterranean wetlands, as seen by land accounting and spatial analysis of CLC data
MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

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43 Arable & permanent MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

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46 Forest creation MedWet / EKBY, Greece – 2 April 2006

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