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Schematic of the events during early otic development in zebrafish

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1 Fig. 7. Schematic of the events during early otic development in zebrafish.
Schematic of the events during early otic development in zebrafish. In wild-type embryos, the otic placode develops into the otic vesicle with the formation of neuronal precursors/neuroblasts (purple) and sensory hair cells (light red) in a stereotypical temporal order. Sensory hair cells (1) are generated prior to the formation of neuroblasts (2). Subsequently, early-born hair cells (tether cells) seed and localize the formation of otoliths (grey). Loss of Foxi1 results in compromised otic induction and the development of smaller otic vesicles lacking the neuronal lineage. Loss of Dlx3b/4b also results in compromised otic induction and the development of smaller otic vesicles. However, otolith formation is completely abolished and the temporal order of neuronal and sensory hair cell formation is reversed. Combined loss of Dlx3b/4b and Foxi1 eliminates all indications of otic specification. Simone Schwarzer et al. Biology Open 2017;6: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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