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: The right and left halves of the cerebrum

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Presentation on theme: ": The right and left halves of the cerebrum"— Presentation transcript:

1 : The right and left halves of the cerebrum
Cerebral Hemispheres : The right and left halves of the cerebrum

2 : The bundle of fibers connecting the cerebral hemispheres
Corpus Callosum : The bundle of fibers connecting the cerebral hemispheres

3 Really Though.. The cortex is composed of two sides of cerebral hemispheres(half globes) a thick band of fibers connecting the two hemispheres is called corpus callosum. It’s a major “cable system: is how the right and left hemispheres communicate

4 Fun Facts The corpus is larger in musicians than in non-musicians. Because of the fact that they are using two hands. It can be altered by early experience Left side controls right side of body Right side controls lest side of body A stroke occurs when an artery carrying blood to the brain becomes blocked causing brain tissue to die.

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