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OPSB Grant Application Procedure

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1 OPSB Grant Application Procedure
October 9, 2015

2 Grant Application Procedure
Department/School Level Central Office Internal Phase I: Intent to Apply Phase II: Grant Writing Phase III: Grant Submission Phase I: Intent to Apply Phase II: Grant Writing Phase III: Grant Submission Phase IV: Account Setup

3 Grant Application Procedures
Department/School Level Central Office Internal Phase I: Completes Intent to Apply form to . Responds to all OPSB staff inquiries . Phase II: Writing Phase: Agenda, minutes, sign-in sheets. Submits draft application 7 or 10 business days prior to deadline. Completes suggestions corrections. Phase III: Submits final draft 2 or 4 business days prior to deadline. Phase I: Staff make inquiries and recommends approval or denial. Provides rationale for denials. Phase II: Assists with coordinating space if needed. Reviews and provides comments for final draft. Phase III: Obtains Superintendent’s signature. Phase IV: Begins after Grant Award Create codes, set up budget , upload to MUNIS.

4 Tips Thorough research of the grant requirements and expectations:
Matching funds? Held to a sustainability plan? Access to the data that’s required for reporting? What are the assurances? Does the department/school have the capacity to fulfil the requirements? Apply for grants that will enhance the schools goals and objectives. Collaborations: Be Present! physically, vocalize your school’s needs, objectives, and “limitations”.

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