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WS: 4.4, 5 Review SAS ASA HL SSS 5. Not  7. AAS 8. Not  AAS

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Presentation on theme: "WS: 4.4, 5 Review SAS ASA HL SSS 5. Not  7. AAS 8. Not  AAS"— Presentation transcript:

1 WS: 4.4, 5 Review SAS ASA HL SSS 5. Not  7. AAS 8. Not  AAS
10. SAA 11. ASA 12. AAS

2 1. Not  2. HL 3. SAS 4. SAS 5. AAS, ASA SAS, AAS ASA, HL 7. AAS, ASA 8. AAS, ASA 9. SAS 10. ASA, AAS 11. HL 12. ASA, AAS

3 1. STATEMENTS REASONS ; Given 2. ABD & ADC are right s 2. Def. of  3. ABD  ADC 3. All right s are . 4. 4. Reflexive Property 5. 5. SAS

4 2. STATEMENTS REASONS ; Given 2. Reflexive Property 3. 3. SAS 3. STATEMENTS REASONS 1. Given 2. LAP  NAP; LPA  NPA 2. Def. of bisect 3. Reflexive Property 4. 4. ASA

5 5. STATEMENTS REASONS ; Given 2. C  M 2. Alt. Int. s Theorem 3. 3. Def. of Midpoint 4. 1  2 4. Vertical s Theorem 5. AAS

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