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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

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Presentation on theme: "Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!
Thank you for inviting us to this Nursing Conference

2 My name is Rosie

3 This is Pam

4 This is Adrian Lunn

5 We are going to talk about Wellbeing!

6 We are MacIntyre’s Wellbeing Champions

7 MacIntyre’s Wellbeing Group

8 Today we going to talk about:
What is wellbeing? What are the five ways to wellbeing?

9 Our tips to support people with their wellbeing

10 What is wellbeing? Wellbeing….?

11 Wellbeing is: Feeling good about yourself

12 Wellbeing is: Feeling respected by other people

13 Wellbeing is: Being able to do the things you enjoy

14 Wellbeing is: Being able to control your life

15 Wellbeing is: Being listened to

16 Wellbeing is: Having things to look forward to

17 There are 5 things you can think about to help you have good well-being:

18 NeF (The New Economics Foundation) came up with these five ways to improve wellbeing in every day life

19 Now let us think about each of these 5 things

20 What is Connect?

21 Connect is: Being with other people

22 You might know the other person

23 This might be the first time you meet them

24 You could meet them anywhere at anytime!

25 What is Be active?

26 doing a physical activity that you enjoy
Be active is: doing a physical activity that you enjoy

27 What is Take Notice?

28 Take Notice is: Being aware of what is going on around you

29 Take Notice is: Being aware of what makes you feel good or unhappy

30 Take Notice is: Thinking about what is important to you

31 What is Keep Learning?

32 Keep Learning is: Learning something new

33 Keep Learning is: Learning more about something you like

34 Keep Learning is: Trying something that you find difficult

35 What is Give? Give

36 Give is: Doing something for another person

37 Give is: Smiling! It makes other people feel good

38 Give is: Say ‘hello’

39 Give is: Being kind and patient with someone

40 Give is: Include someone who might be lonely

41 Give is: Offer to help

42 The five ways to wellbeing in my daily life
by Pam

43 These are our tips to support someone to understand and improve their wellbeing

44 Keep it simple Make it fun There’s no hurry!! Keep it cost free

45 Build on what’s happening now and make links to other areas.
Be creative with what already exists

46 Leave something as a reminder for example wellbeing postcards or key rings

47 Be realistic and support the other person to be realistic too

48 Support someone to make small changes rather than a massive leap
Support someone to make small changes rather than a massive leap. Celebrate success.

49 Listen to what individuals want or don’t want, like or don’t like
Use good interaction skills

50 And finally……………. ……..remember

51 Connect…… ……..smiles breed smiles

52 Be Active……… ……..stress less

53 Take Notice……… ……’s the small things

54 Keep Learning…….. ……..a boredom buster

55 Give…….. ……..make time

56 Thank You for listening to us!

57 If you would like to know more about wellbeing, come to our wellbeing stand!

58 Enjoy the rest of the conference!
Good Bye!

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