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Answers to Your Questions

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1 Answers to Your Questions
KNOW GOD BY KNOWING HIS WORD How can you know God? How can you get answers to your questions? By knowing His Word! Your objective is to learn to read the Bible as if God were personally speaking to you. Why? Because He is! Allow the Author to speak directly, personally and powerfully not just to your mind but also to your heart. Many saints are sitting under the Word today in Bible believing churches, but they are not in the Word for themselves.

INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY The Bible is our PRIMARY RESOURCE GOD SPEAKS THROUGH HIS WORD ↓ DIRECTLY TO YOU NOW YOU ARE EQUIPPED TO STUDY OTHER RESOURCES What is Inductive Bible Study? It is where you come to the Bible as your primary text book, your primary resource. In terms of Bible study methods, you can study someone's else's study or you can study the Scripture for yourself. The inductive method provides you with the skills and familiarity with the tools which make it possible for even beginning students (and even children) to confidently study the Scriptures on their own. Instead of studying resources about the Bible, inductive study focuses first upon the Bible. You need to be willing to lay aside your preconceived notions, pet interpretations, ready references, study notes, sermon tapes, etc, coming to the Scriptures as for the first time. Your primary resource is God's Word, then other secondary resources. The tendency for many Bible students at the beginning of a study is to rally secondary resources that will do the "observing" and ”interpreting" for the reader. It's quick but is it correct? How can you know if you don't make your own independent observations and arrive at your own interpretation based on those observations? And why even go to the Scriptures if you almost immediately forget what you've just read?

LEARNING PROCESS PERCENTAGE REMEMBERED COMPARED to METHOD of LEARNING 10% Of what we read 20% Of what we hear 30% By watching a demonstration 50% By hearing and watching a demonstration 70% By hearing, watching a demonstration and writing out what you learn 90% All of the above plus application or practice Research show that we learn more and retain more, the more actively we are involved in the learning process. Inductive Study makes you actively engage the word.   PERCENTAGE REMEMBERED COMPARED to METHOD of LEARNING 10%Of what we read 20%Of what we hear 30%By watching a demonstration 50%Combining #2 and #3 70%Combine #4 with writing out what you learn 90%All of the above plus application or practice  The key to effective, fruitful inductive Bible study is personal involvement and learning how to carefully, prayerfully observe... by sitting at the feet of Jesus, allowing the Spirit of Christ to lead you into all truth. The godly missionary Amy Carmichael  said...   "Never let good books take the place of the Bible. Drink from the Well, not from the streams that flow from the Well ."

First and foremost begin with prayer. We can’t know or understand anything without first asking the Holy Spirit to be the guide in this process.

5 INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY 3 Components: Observation, Interpretation, Application 1st Component Observation What does the text says There are three components to Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation, Application. Basically Observation is exactly that-Observing or looking at the text to see what is says. This is work, but it is so worthwhile. It will put that scripture in your heart. You will remember it. To help us observe the text we ask the 5 W’s and an H questions. Who was speaking? Who is writing? To whom? Why? What is the reason these word are being spoken? What is the problem? Where is this taking place? When did this occur? How did the problem begin? How did it get resolved?

6 INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY Observation What the text says
Ask the 5 W’s and an H questions Mark key words Enables you to make a list of important people, concepts, points, contrasts, comparisons As you read, mark key words. Key words are words or phrases that are repeated over and over. It is a helpful habit to learn, it takes discipline. Many people freak out on this part of inductive study. I encourage people to do this, but I don’t insist on it. I would much rather that someone come to study than drop out because of this. Marking the text makes important concepts and key points jump out. Doing this enables you to make lists of important people, concepts, points, contrasts, comparisons.

7 INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY Interpretation What the text means
Careful observation leads to proper interpretation Careful observation leads to proper interpretation. You will have read the Word of God in its context and have a strong grasp of its content.

8 INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY Interpretation What the text means Word Studies
Cross References Commentaries Interpretation answers the question ‘What does the text mean? It is in this phase that you do word studies, examine cross references and lastly consult commentaries. Words studies are one of my very favorite parts of study. You get a larger understanding of what the author is saying by looking at the words as defined in a concordance or expository dictionary. One example is the word love. In John 21: 15-17, the word love is used 7 times. In the Greek, two words are used, agape and phileo. You wouldn’t know that unless you did a word study. Word studies brings out nuances and enlarges your understanding of the text. Cross references Scripture never contradicts scripture. Cross references help you understand in a deeper way a key concept or clears up a concept that may seems obscure. The key things is remember that context is king. You can’t take a verse out of its context. People do that and can make scripture say whatever they want it to say. If you have properly observed the text, you will know what the overall context is and will recognize immediately when some TV preacher or just any person takes a references out of context and uses it inappropriately Commentaries Commentaries can be very useful but they should only be used after you have done your own study of the Scriptures. I can tell you more than a few times, I have found that I disagreed with a commentator but I would not have been able to do that had I not studied the Scripture for myself. Reading a reliable commentary can also indicate that your observation/interpretation may be on the right track, or point out things that you may have gotten wrong. But again, you wouldn’t know that if you had not studied the word for yourself first. Some of my favorites resources are Strong’s concordance, Vines Expository dictionary and The Complete Word Study books by Spiros Zodhiates. Many of the ladies in the Wednesday morning Precept studies like to go to You don’t have to go and buy all these materials. This website has a lot of those resources on it.

What important Truth has God taught Me that I need to apply to my life? Knowledge of the Word of God is good, but without transformation, what’s the point? 2 Timothy 3:16: All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. God’s plan is to transform us into the image of His Son. By applying what we have learned to our life, this plan of God is coming into reality. I have to give credit for some of this presentation to a woman named Mrs. Botha. Her work was the skeleton that I built this presentation upon.

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