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Changes made to the WA-LISTS in 2015

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1 Changes made to the WA-LISTS in 2015
Category 4 Presentation: John Albert (United States) 28 June 2016 Wassenaar Arrangement

2 Wassenaar Arrangement
Category 4 – Computers 4.A.3. Digital computers having an Adjusted Peak Performance (APP) exceeding Weighted TeraFLOPS 4.D.1. Software… for the development of digital computers having an APP exceeding TeraFLOPS 4.E.1. Technology… for the development of digital computers having an APP exceeding TeraFLOPS 2015 changes aim at adapting the control parameters to the steady evolution of data processing speed (according to Moore’s law). Software and Technology, being more sensitive and entailing their own evolution potential, require a lower control threshold. Wassenaar Arrangement

3 Wassenaar Arrangement
Questions ? Wassenaar Arrangement

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