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Officer Buckle By Peggy Rathmann.

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Presentation on theme: "Officer Buckle By Peggy Rathmann."— Presentation transcript:

1 Officer Buckle By Peggy Rathmann

2 attention focus, notice

3 To do well on test, you must pay attention in class.

4 How do you look when you stand at attention?

5 speech a talk that you give to a group of people

6 He is giving a speech to the class about Veteran’s Day.

7 How might you get ready to give a speech to the class?

8 safety ways to keep from getting hurt

9 A safety rule is not to burn a campfire, when the there has not been rain in a long time.

10 Name some kind of safety gear that football players wear.

11 obeys Does what someone says

12 The police officer helps us to obey traffic laws.

13 Name some school rules your class must obey on the playground.

14 buddy Friend or partner

15 It is fun to go swimming with a buddy.

16 What kind of things do you like to do with a buddy?

17 enormous really big or huge

18 Elephants are enormous animals.

19 Tell about an enormous animal that you have seen or read about.

20 shocked surprised or upset

21 Tom was shocked about the ending of the story.

22 Tell about a time when you felt shocked.

23 station workplace, office, space, base

24 Mom parked the car in front of the police station.

25 How are a police station and a fire station alike and different?

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