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Lisa Harvey-Smith Institute of Astronomy The University of Sydney

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1 Lisa Harvey-Smith Institute of Astronomy The University of Sydney
GEG breakout session Lisa Harvey-Smith Institute of Astronomy The University of Sydney

2 GEG group plans Immediate:
Update organisational structure of GEG group, science teams. Write memos on GEG aims, membership, publication & student policies. Define science teams and responsibilities of leaders. All policies and documents on twiki before next meeting. Use exploder for consultation on science projects. Join GEG mailing list and input ideas now if you are interested in contributing. Science with the 32T system: Define experiments, set realistic aims and 32T observing plans, discuss calibration, logistics, data storage… Campaign strategy (observing proposals - submitted when? - to whom?) Work closely with other collaborations on sharing observations - avoid duplication! 256 / 512 system: Draft requirements (e.g. pulsar mode, polarization, long baselines) Data storage, archiving…..?

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