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Ms. Dorgan Mr. Pfaff Mr. Filkins Mrs. Kill Ms. Melzer.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Dorgan Mr. Pfaff Mr. Filkins Mrs. Kill Ms. Melzer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Dorgan Mr. Pfaff Mr. Filkins Mrs. Kill Ms. Melzer

2 shocked embarrassed annoyed scared enthusiastic

3 climbing trees playing cards watching football doing cartwheels arm wrestling

4 Selena Gomez Pharrell Ashton Kutcher Beyoncé Justin Timberlake

5 Friday night Valentine’s Day Halloween Memorial Day April Fool’s Day

6 the mall the police station the post office the water park the football field

7 a parade float a photo booth a roller coaster a sled a fishing boat

8 wet suits ballet slippers clown wigs top hats moustaches

9 doing jumping jacks singing carols hula hooping wrestling a bear eating Cheetos

10 they wanted to show off they were dared to they were bored they are just so cool they just felt like it

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