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(ii) ((QP)P)(P(PQ))

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Presentation on theme: "(ii) ((QP)P)(P(PQ))"— Presentation transcript:

1 (ii) ((QP)P)(P(PQ))
Homework 7 (June 21) Material covered: Slides , Make sure you understand and remember what Theorems b say. Construct CL5-proofs of the following formulas. (i) P(PP) (ii) ((QP)P)(P(PQ)) Remember the meanings of the following terms from Slide 14.2: elementary formula; literal; surface occurrence; elementarization; stable. What is the elementarization of the formula ((p⊓Q)p)  ((P⊔Q)P)  z(⊓x⊔yR(x,y,z)  xy(y=g(x,z))) ? Make sure you understand and remember the four rules of CL4. Construct CL4-proofs of the following formulas: PP P(P⊓P) xy(y=f(x))

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