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Vocabulary/Word Wall 2.3 English 2, Grade 10.

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1 Vocabulary/Word Wall 2.3 English 2, Grade 10

2 WW #2.3 Artifact An object shaped or made by human craft

3 1. Inscrutable (adj.) Not to be understood
I could not tell by her inscrutable smile whether she was really happy with me or if she was mocking me.

4 2. Omniscient (adj.) Knowing everything, as in a very wise person or God Her omniscient attitude makes he really difficult to hang around.

5 3. Exult (v.) To be jubilant; triumphant; to leap up in joy
Everyone was in exult the last day of school; summer was here!

6 4. Lethargic (adj.) Sluggish indifference
Sarah felt lethargic after she ran her first 5K.

7 5. Epistle (n.) A letter, especially a formal one
An epistle was composed and sent to Wal-Mart after Jennie slipped an fell in the floral department.

8 Roots Bell Meaning “war” Audi Meaning “to hear”

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