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The Performance Triangle Physical Technical Mental ADVISE ASSESSMENT - Fault Correction Worksheet and Beginning to Scull Worksheet CHECK physically okay to do workshop Why is technique important? suggestions..... - 240 strokes in race with at least 2 blades per boat - want to maintain max boat speed (if 5 m/s boat speed and take 0.2 sec to put blade in at the catch, then lose >1m!) The techniques of sculling and sweep (rowing) are the same - the only difference is obviously the crossover of the two sculling blades - all the basic points about sweep/sculling technique are the same (IMPORTANT LEVEL 1 PRINCIPLE) What would be our general aims in technique training for our crews? NEXT SLIDE
We must always remember the following pedagogical principles: From simple to complex From easy to challenging From familiar to unfamiliar From general to specific ADVISE ASSESSMENT - Fault Correction Worksheet and Beginning to Scull Worksheet CHECK physically okay to do workshop Why is technique important? suggestions..... - 240 strokes in race with at least 2 blades per boat - want to maintain max boat speed (if 5 m/s boat speed and take 0.2 sec to put blade in at the catch, then lose >1m!) The techniques of sculling and sweep (rowing) are the same - the only difference is obviously the crossover of the two sculling blades - all the basic points about sweep/sculling technique are the same (IMPORTANT LEVEL 1 PRINCIPLE) What would be our general aims in technique training for our crews? NEXT SLIDE
THERE IS NO SUCH A THING AS THE ROWING TECHNIQUE ADVISE ASSESSMENT - Fault Correction Worksheet and Beginning to Scull Worksheet CHECK physically okay to do workshop Why is technique important? suggestions..... - 240 strokes in race with at least 2 blades per boat - want to maintain max boat speed (if 5 m/s boat speed and take 0.2 sec to put blade in at the catch, then lose >1m!) The techniques of sculling and sweep (rowing) are the same - the only difference is obviously the crossover of the two sculling blades - all the basic points about sweep/sculling technique are the same (IMPORTANT LEVEL 1 PRINCIPLE) What would be our general aims in technique training for our crews? NEXT SLIDE
As for all sporting techniques it is important to only consider functional values There is no need that the technical pattern of rowing be “beautiful” The rower must a> produce the highest physiological performance and b> transform this performance into the best propulsion possible ADVISE ASSESSMENT - Fault Correction Worksheet and Beginning to Scull Worksheet CHECK physically okay to do workshop Why is technique important? suggestions..... - 240 strokes in race with at least 2 blades per boat - want to maintain max boat speed (if 5 m/s boat speed and take 0.2 sec to put blade in at the catch, then lose >1m!) The techniques of sculling and sweep (rowing) are the same - the only difference is obviously the crossover of the two sculling blades - all the basic points about sweep/sculling technique are the same (IMPORTANT LEVEL 1 PRINCIPLE) What would be our general aims in technique training for our crews? NEXT SLIDE
Basic Rowing Technique GENERAL AIMS
1.To perfect the most efficient technique based on facts, not speculation 2.Stable performance in varied conditions ie wind, boats 3.Maintain correct technique in progressively more intense competitions 4.No loss of form under pressure and exhaustion Are there any other general aims? - performance - injury prevention ? (all covered by the slide) NEXT SLIDE
Basic Rowing Technique SKILL ANALYSIS
A coach is a judge of skill and needs to: break down COMPLEX SKILLS into SIMPLE parts separate GOOD parts from BAD FOCUS on important parts - not get distracted find a WAY TO CORRECT technical errors put the whole technique back together The coach as a teacher of skill must be able to.… (read above) Reminder that rowing is a closed (vs open) skill but more about that in Learning Methodology; And more about how to correct technical faults / how to begin to make the changes in the Fault Correction workshop; NEXT SLIDE
correct grip bladework – blade depth and hand curves stroke analysis body work - efficient work rhythm - maximising the boat speed These are the 5 basic points that will be covered in this presentation and need to be understood by the L1 Coach; We aim to talk about the perfect stroke (long, horizontal, smooth, natural and effective) but let us just reflect on what considerations we should make for less exeperienced rowers - novices (usually schoolboy /girls and masters) - both young and the old may not have the developed the flexibility or strength so an exaggerated range of movement is unwise - use common sense when teaching the beginner so that both ends of the stroke are manageable NEXT SLIDE
Basic Rowing Technique TASK ANALYSIS
Rowing in Australia is still controlled by competitive rowing and within the topic of technique these are the various areas that need to be analysed when we are coaching a crew - the four main divisions of the rowing stroke are the Catch, Drive, Finish and Recovery Even as recreational rowing grows as a sport the need for satisfaction and pleasure will still involve these technical aspects. NEXT SLIDE
Basic Rowing Technique Keep it simple!
need for unified approach to teach a biomechanically efficient method to facilitate composite national crews overall concept is simple row longer row harder slow the boat down less A coaching system is necessary to 1. objectively study rowing technique 2. establish a proper balance amongst all factors involved 3. provide continuity of thought and direction of purpose for teachers of rowing skills 4. establish a common technique so that school, club, state and national crews can be co-ordinated - this has changed enormously within Australia since 1979 when Reinhold Batschi commenced as Head Coach, but there are still different interpretations by coaches/athletes so that we can sometimes name a crew to a particular school or club! It is important to state that the objective of Level 1 is to present these simple aspects and highlight the major points - understanding and implementing the specifics is up to you as coaches - you should ask questions if you do not understand anything NEXT SLIDE
Basic Rowing Technique STROKE ANALYSIS
Catch Early drive Mid drive Mid late drive Late drive Finish Release Hands away Early recovery Mid recovery Late recovery Full reach SEE L1 Manual for “ROWING TECHNIQUE SUMMARY” AND “BASIC SCULLING POSTER” The following slides will discuss the various stages of the strokecycle (copied from Technique Poster) Starting from the catch...... - no need to be violent - a question of timing rather than strength - blade should be placed in water using only the arms, as seat reaches front chocks - pressure must be applied immediately after the blade is buried Apply the bodyweight to the footstretcher only after.... 1. blade properly squared under control 2. blade can be placed in the water correctly 3. correct grip 4. straight arms 5. good posture
1. The Catch Catch is the last part of the recovery
Shins are almost vertical to vertical Arms are straight and relaxed Top of knees should be at level of armpits Good reach without undue tension - relaxed in the shoulders Weight is at the front of the seat Emphasis on hands initiating blade entry - not body lift Eyes and head up
2. Early Drive Arms are straight
Flat wrists with the correct relaxed grip Blades fully buried but not too deep Lower back is locked against initial drive of legs Stay relaxed in the shoulders - not up around ears Shoulders forward of hips Feeling of hang
3. Mid Drive Arms are straight Shoulders relaxed and extended
Body starts to lever back from the hips Horizontal drive - straight line with handle, head & shoulders Legs with increased acceleration during the drive until perpendicular position or just behind it Shoulders over the hips Weight transferred to the middle of the seat
4. Late Drive Legs are finished and locked Body is still levering back
Arms begin to draw the handle in to the body Blades kept buried Forearms are parallel to the water Head is up and shoulders are past the hips Weight is transferred to the back of the seat
5. Finish & Release Legs (knees) are locked down
Strong posture with the lower back is maintained Shoulder blades retracted Elbows drawn back with flat wrists and forearms Blade rolled onto the feather Backturn is smooth and continuous - in, down, turn & away blades are extracted square out of the water lateral pressure
6. Early Recovery Smooth and continues hands away
Setting up hand height straight off the release Legs are held down whilst the weight changes from the back to the centre of the seat Arms are almost straight and hands have past the knees before the body starts pivoting from the hips Upper body is up and relaxed
7. Mid Recovery Body swings forward of the hips, changing the weight from the centre to the front of the seat Forward body angle by ½ to ¾ slide Arms are straight but relaxed Moving sternwards ahead of seat Relaxed grip
8. Late Recovery Body is set in catch position
Emphasis on controlled roll towards the front chocks & elimination of unnecessary movements Head & shoulders remain level throughout recovery Blade starts to square up (roll) after hands have passed the feet Whilst blade is squared hands begin moving handle up through semicircle Hands and shoulders remain relaxed
Back to……. Full Reach/Catch
Basic Rowing Technique ADVANTAGES of SCULLING
symmetrical movement balance easier to learn and maintain no influence from other rowers NB correct OVERLAP is left above and astern of the right with handles close to same height on both the drive and recovery Reminder that the 3 point balance system is easier in sculling - feet - seat - hands/swivels and therefore easier to distribute the body weight correctly throughout the boat Emphasize the need for the symmetry of - the height of the handles at the catch and release - the even catch and release angles with both left and right All other concepts are similar for sweep rowing and sculling - setting the stretcher for a strong beginning - holding the oar, not gripping - applying the body weight to the footstretcher - the power of the stroke comes from the legs - a good beginning leads to a good finish - nurturing the run of the boat etc NEXT SLIDE
GRIP - SCULLING thumbs over end
2nd knuckle leading tangent during drive flat wrists feather oar with fingers not wrist relaxed hold Thumbs need to push out so they must be over the end of the handles; Demonstrate the correct feathering movement by rolling the fingers around an oar handle - get coaches to do it! Suggest get rowers to practice at home with empty toilet roll! Flat wrists are strong wrists - allows correct hang Emphasize 1. importance of the grip at the beginning of rowing and how many future faults / injuries can be attributed to incorrrect grip 2. Left hand leading slightly astern of the right at all times - no scissoring or knitting! NEXT SLIDE
GRIP - SWEEP hands comfortably apart (1-2 fists) outside hand as hook
inside hand feathers with fingers flat wrists relaxed hold Emphasize all points above and get coaches to actually do it themselves; Make sure you have some sweep oars or just the handles to demonstrate!!
Basic Rowing Technique BLADEWORK
CATCH PLACEMENT - a good beginning is rounded as it “hooks” the water common FAULTS - digging deep in the middle of the stroke and deep catch/washy finish HAND CURVE - move continuously around both catch and finish turns when to SQUARE THE BLADE? - start to unweight the handle after the feet Without too much detail briefly explain each of the above use TECHNIQUE POSTER with diagram of hand curve
Basic Rowing Technique BASIC POINTS
push the boat - do not shovel water no need to be violent at the catch - timing vs strength float up the slide - relaxed but precisely controlled Again 4 basic points for coaches to refer to again and again some may need further explanation if Questions asked
Basic Rowing Technique RHYTHM
take time to get the timing right stroke rate depends on crew technique at any stroke rate the correct ratio between drive and recovery must be maintained acceleration cannot be achieved without timing and relaxation throughout the drive races are won between the strokes Explain that once the basic skill of technique is mastered (control of the body and blade in the cognitive stage) then rhythm and flow is critical - as coaches we must continually coach for rhythm as the rower goes through the associative and automotive stages! Only then can pressure and rating be applied.
Basic Rowing Technique TIPS for COACHES
rowing is the art of using ones bodyweight to move the boat movements must be performed as easily and naturally as possible few rowers develop their power in exactly the same way work on one change at a time COFFEE BREAK before starting Fault Correction;
Basic Rowing Technique Common Faults & Correction
Teaching a beginner correct technique will avoid lengthy fault correction later It is much easier for a fault to become habit than it is to correct a habitual fault When a fault is detected check that it is not a rigging or set up problem Treat the cause of the problem and not the symptoms Break down the movement (sequence) and teach the basics in little steps Keep it simple – don’t overload COFFEE BREAK before starting Fault Correction;
Basic Rowing Technique Common Faults & Correction
Not enough body angle at the catch Cause: rocking over from the back, knees up too early Drills: > hands away – rocking over – knees down > rowing on back chocks with rocking over (exaggeration) > gradually extending slide length
Basic Rowing Technique Common Faults & Correction
Breaking the arms at the catch Cause: Balance, tensed arms – tide grip, legs too slow Drills: > Balance drills > changing grip, relax arms & shoulders > front end pushed with straight arms > gradually extending backwards
Basic Rowing Technique Common Faults & Correction
Skying the blades Cause: Tensed shoulders & arm, late body swing forward Drills: > Balance drills > changing grip, relax arms & shoulders > hands away – rocking over – extending slide length > blades on the water second half
Basic Rowing Technique Common Faults & Correction
Body swing too early Cause: Late body preparation, slow legs after catch Drills: > hands away – rocking over – early preparation > extending slide length > front end pushes with straight arms > extending backwards
Basic Rowing Technique Common Faults & Correction
Early arm draw in mid-drive Cause: Tensed shoulders, slow legs, break in body swing Drills: > Shoulder relaxation > front end pushed > legs and body only with straight arms (exaggeration)
Basic Rowing Technique Common Faults & Correction
Early release Cause: Inflexible shoulders, no open up after cross over, hands drawing down second half Drills: > Shoulder relaxation and flexibility > rowing arms only on back chocks
Basic Rowing Technique Common Faults & Correction
Not enough body swing Cause: Weak lower back, early arm draw Drills: > rowing arms only body back > slowly moving forward
Basic Rowing Technique Common Faults & Correction
Too much body swing Cause: Slow legs and/or arm Drills: > feet out rowing > front end pushes – slowly extending forward
Basic Rowing Technique Common Faults & Correction
Body moves into the finish Cause: Early body swing, head moves towards stern Drills: > feet out rowing > rowing at back chocks – fixed body > front end pushes
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