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Ch 2 Matter and Change.

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1 Ch 2 Matter and Change

2 Basic Building Blocks of Matter:
atom: simplest particle of matter, which keeps identity of element. element: made of only one type of atom ex/ oxygen is considered an element because it is only composed of oxygen atoms.

3 compound: made of more than 1 type of atom linked together.
ex/ water- made up of H and O molecule: smallest particle of a substance retaining the properties of the substance. ex/ 2 H atoms and 1 O atom are bonded together in water to form a unit.

4 Extensive properties depend on the amount of matter that is present.
Every substance has characteristic properties. These are used to distinguish between substances and to separate them. Properties are either extensive or intensive. Extensive properties depend on the amount of matter that is present. ex/ volume, mass, amount of energy in a substance. Intensive properties do not depend on the amount of matter present. ex/ melting point, density, ability to conduct electricity

5 Properties can also be grouped into two general types:
1. Physical Property- can be observed without changing the identity of the substance. physical properties describe the substance itself examples: boiling point, melting point, density A change in a substance that does not involve a change in the identity of the substance is called a physical change. (ex/ tearing, grinding, cutting)

6 2. Chemical property: property of a substance related to a chemical change that the substance undergoes. ** CAN NOT BE OBSERVED WITHOUT CHANGING THE IDENTITY OF THE SUBSTANCE. (i.e. substance has to go through a chemical reaction) A change in which one or more substances are converted into different substances is called a chemical change or chemical reaction.

7 substances that react (enter) in a chemical change are called the reactants.
substances that are formed by the chemical change are called the products. Mass, matter and energy are conserved in a chemical reaction

8 Copper(II) oxide Copper + Oxygen
1. What is the reactant in the chemical reaction above? Ans. Copper(II) oxide 2. What are the products? Ans. Copper & oxygen

9 Physical States of Matter
A change of state is a physical change of a substance from one state to another. Most matter is found in one of the following 3 states: GAS: No fixed volume, no fixed shape, assumes shape of container, & particles weakly attracted to each other and move independently at high speed. LIQUID: Definite volume, no shape of its own, assumes shape of container, & particles slip past each other. SOLID: fixed volume, fixed shape (held tightly in a rigid structure), vibrate only slightly 

10 Additional States of Matter
4th State: PLASMA is a high temperature physical state of matter in which atoms lose their electrons. 5th State: BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATES: matter has different properties at very low temperatures.

11 Lab: Cu + HNO3 Procedure: Place a sample of copper in a test tube & put in the test tube rack. Add nitric acid to the test tube, enough to cover the copper. Make a data table of observations that include before, during, and after Answer 4 questions on the following slide:

12 Q’s for Lab: Cu + HNO3 *complete sentences please 
1. Describe any evidence of a chemical change. 2. What chemical property of copper is demonstrated? Lab reaction in words: Copper + nitric acid (dissolved in water) copper(II) nitrate + nitrogen dioxide + water 3. What are the reactants? 4. What are the products?

13 Classification of Matter
All matter can be classified into two groups: pure substances or mixtures.

14 A pure substance can be an element or compound
A pure substance can be an element or compound. Its composition is the same throughout and does not vary from sample to sample. ex/ iron, carbon dioxide, sugar Mixture- a combination of 2 or more substances (each substance in mixture retains individual properties) ex/ air- mix of gases: O2, CO2, H2O, N2, H2

15 2 Types of Mixtures: 1.Heterogeneous mixture: (Greek heteros= different; genos= kind) not uniform in composition ex/ soil- clay, sand, silt, decayed material 2 Types of Heterogeneous Mixtures: A.Suspension- mixture containing relatively large particles; particles remain suspended for a while after stirring, but then settle out. ex/ Italian dressing 

16 B.Colloid- liquid mixture containing very small particles that do not settle out, even with time.
ex/ milk- fat dispersed throughout **To check for colloid use: Tyndall effect- visible path produced by a beam of light

17  2.Homogeneous Mixture: (Greek: homos= same)
or also known as SOLUTIONS completely uniform in composition consists of a single phase (solid, liquid, or gas) ex/ tap water, energy drinks, brass key

18 ORGANIZING MATTER: Periodic Table: table in which elements, arranged in order of atomic number, are placed so that those with similar properties are near each other. Period: horizontal  rows of elements in periodic table. physical & chemical properties change somewhat regularly across a period elements that are close to each other in a period tend to be more similar than those farther apart.

19 group (or family): vertical columns that each contain elements with similar properties
Elements are symbolized by one or two letters (first letter(s) or first letter and prominent sound, or comes from Latin) What element is symbolized by W? Cu? Au? Ag?

20 Properties of Metals, Nonmetals, & Metalloids
-usually solid (except Hg) -can be any phase phase -shiny (luster) -dull -malleable- flattened or shaped -brittle -ductile- drawn in wire -non conductors -conductors of heat & electricity don’t react w/ acid -react w/ acid + base & base located on the left side located on the right of the periodic table side of the table

21 Metalloids are elements that have some characteristics of metals and some characteristics of nonmetals. Located between the metals and nonmetals on the periodic table (near the stair-step line)

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