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Flowers and Reproduction

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1 Flowers and Reproduction
Science-Plants Flowers and Reproduction

2 Parts of a Flower Petals
Petals are like signs that tell POLLINATORS to come to the flower Petals tell insects and birds that there is yummy nectar to eat

3 Parts of a Flower Flowers have BOTH male and female parts
The male parts make up the STAMEN The stamen are involved in making POLLEN

4 Parts of a Flower The female parts of the flower are called the PISTIL
The female parts CATCH the POLLEN and make seeds grow

5 STAMEN PISTIL ANTHER: Releases pollen STIGMA: Collects Pollen STYLE: Pollen travels down style FILAMENT: Holds up the anther OVARY: Where seed is made and held

6 Pollen and Plant Reproduction
Plants reproduce They make seeds that grow into new plants Pollen leaves the male parts of a flower The pollen grains land on the female STIGMA of a different flower This is called POLLINATION

7 How does the pollen get from one flower to another flower?
Pollen grains are taken from one flower to another by animals, birds and insects Animals, birds and insects that carry pollen are called POLLINATORS

8 How does the pollen get from one flower to another flower?
Pollinators are tricked into carrying the pollen grains The pollen grains stick to the pollinators The pollinators will travel from flower to flower and carry the pollen

9 Pollinators!

10 Pollinators!

11 Pollinators!

12 Pollination Once the pollen grain lands on a female stigma there are lots of changes The pollen grains get bigger and grow a tube The tube moves down the style and fertilizes the egg in the ovary This is called FERTILIZATION



15 Making seeds The fertilized egg turns into a seed
The chamber that holds the seed turns into a fruit

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