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Using JavaFX Applications
GUI in Java Using JavaFX Applications
Outline What is GUI Creating an Application Window
controls and layouts (arrangements; panes) Activating Buttons in an Application Window making it do something What are polymorphism and inheritance?
What is a GUI? Graphical User Interface Lots less typing for the user
a graphical way to use the program windows, icons, menus, pointing (WIMP) Lots less typing for the user Lots less things for them to remember see options by looking File Edit Help _ X Open Save —— Exit Mrph Blah Yuck Eeew Gross Dpbl Xvgl
GUI vs. Console
Differences Different kinds of objects involved
Scanner in console text fields and buttons in app Interaction is different console needs you to enter numbers in order can change numbers and recalculate in app
Similarities Purpose of program is the same Input is the same
calculate a final course grade for this course Input is the same user provides component grades assignments, labs, tests, exam Steps for doing calculation the same read the numbers calculate the result show the result
A Slightly Simpler GUI Program opens up a window like this:
What can we do with it? can enter numbers into the first and second number boxes can click the “Add” button to put their sum into the result box can click the “Done” button to end the program
Creating an Application
New Project > JavaFX > JavaFX Application We will call our program AdderApplication NetBeans generates an Application you can run it right away: Click the button “Hello World!ˮ printed in output window
Application Code It’s a bit complicated!
import commands: extends keyword I’ll explain this soon start method lots of code in it main method one line of code Most code is in the start method
The Method main Applications have a main method don’t change it!
public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } don’t change it! starts the GUI by calling launch method more about the launch method later
The Method start Sets up the GUI you can use this version of start
@Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { Pane pane = makePane(); Scene scene = new Scene(pane); primaryStage.setScene(scene); primaryStage.setTitle(MY_TITLE);; } you can use this version of start need to write makePane() and define MY_TITLE
Stage and Scene Two data types in JavaFX: Stage is a window
primaryStage is the main window Scene is the inside of the window Stage has a Scene in it
Scene and Pane Pane is another data type in JavaFX:
Scene is inside of the window Pane is the arrangement of items in the window Scene has a Pane in it
Pane and Controls Lots of controls in JavaFX:
Pane is the arrangement of items in the window Controls are the bits the user interacts with Pane has controls in it
Our Controls We have three kinds of controls in our Scene
Labels: bits of text that don’t do anything TextFields: boxes for users to type in Buttons: things for users to click something should happen after they get clicked we’ll worry about that later Other applications may need other things CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, MenuBar, Menus, …
Creating a Label Like Scanners, need to be imported, created
import javafx.scene.control.Label; no other kind of Label will work with an Application tell constructor the text for the new Label Label instructions; instructions = new Label("Enter two numbers to add up:"); Label num1Label = new Label("First Number:"); Label num2Label = new Label("Second Number:"); Label result = new Label("Result:");
Creating a TextField Same as for Label
import javafx.scene.control.TextField; no other kind of TextField will work here tell constructor text to start in TextField or leave blank if the field starts blank TextField num1Field = new TextField("0"); TextField num2Field = new TextField("0"); TextField resultField = new TextField("0"); note that text is a String, not an int or double
Creating a Button Same as for Label and TextField:
import javafx.scene.control.Button; no other kind of Button will work here tell constructor text to put in Button Button addButton = new Button("Add"); Button doneButton = new Button("Done");
Creating a Look for Controls
We have a lot of controls in our window Labels, TextFields, Buttons Want them to look alike and default sizes are pretty small Make a method to create and style them Label result = makeLabel("result"); TextField num1Field = makeNumberField("0"); Button addButton = makeButton("Add");
Styling a Control Can set multiple properties for a control
font and alignment, for example need to import Font and Pos want number fields to be 18-point monospaced, and right-aligned private static TextField makeNumberField(String text) { TextField result = new TextField(text); result.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", FONT_SIZE)); result.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); return result; }
Exercises Write the methods makeButton and makeLabel
they should use a FONT_SIZE font don't bother setting an alignment Buttons will be centred, which is good Labels will be left-aligned, which is good
Our Arrangement Laid out as a grid:
two columns, five rows, numbered from zero JavaFX has a class called GridPane Column 0 1 Row 1 2 3 4 Enter two numbers to add up: First Number: (Box for First Number) Second Number: (Box for Second Number) Result: (Box for Result) (Add Button) (Done Button)
Creating a Grid Layout Create the GridPane
GridPane root = new GridPane(); Add each object to its column and row root.add(instructions, 0, 0); root.add(num1Label, 0, 1); root.add(num1Field, 1, 1); … root.add(addButton, 0, 4); root.add(doneButton, 1, 4); Enter two numbers to add up: First Number: (Box for First Number) Second Number: (Box for Second Number) Result: (Box for Result) (Add Button) (Done Button) Need to import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane;
Spreading over Multiple Cells
Make instructions go all the way across the top currently stuck in top-left cell of grid (0, 0) want to make it go across two columns but still only one row add number of columns and rows to add(…) root.add(instructions, 0, 0, 2, 1); // 2 columns, 1 row Enter two numbers to add up: First Number: (Box for First Number) Second Number: (Box for Second Number) Result: (Box for Result) (Add Button) (Done Button)
Styling the GridPane Add space around the outside
root.addSetPadding(new Insets(15, 25, 15, 25)); need to import javafx.geometry.Insets Add space between rows and columns root.setHgap(15); root.setVgap(10); Center buttons GridPane.setHalignment( addButton, HPos.CENTER);
Making it Work Clicking the Buttons does nothing
no action associated with the button Sample application had an example: btn.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } }); We can make that simpler!
Use Lambda Expression NetBeans has a yellow light-bulb suggestion:
This … can be changed into a lambda expression Do that! It’ll look much simpler! btn.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> { System.out.println("Hello World!"); }); quicker and easier magic formula! uses hyphen + greater-than sign as an arrow put what you want the Button to do in the braces
The done Button’s Action
Want to end the program could use System.exit(0); better to use Platform.exit(); for later, when you make this Application Awesome! doneButton.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> { Platform.exit(); }); need to import javafx.application.Platform also javafx.event.ActionEvent, if you deleted it before NOT java.awt.ActionEvent!
The add Button’s Action
Needs to add the numbers from the two input TextFields and put answer in result TextField TextFields give you a String, not an int/double String num1Text = num1Field.getText(); need to translate into an int: Integer.parseInt int num1 = Integer.parseInt(num1Text); then need to change int to String: Integer.toString String sumText = Integer.toString(sum); and put that String into the result resultField.setText(sumText);
The add Button’s Action
All together: addButton.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> { int num1, num2, sum; String num1Text, num2Text, sumText; num1Text = num1Field.getText(); num2Text = num2Field.getText(); num1 = Integer.parseInt(num1Text); num2 = Integer.parseInt(num2Text); sum = num1 + num2; sumText = Integer.toString(sum); resultField.setText(sumText); });
The add Button’s Action
Better to put all that in a method method needs to be told the three TextFields addButton.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> { addUp(num1Field, num2Field, resultField); }); addUp method created in AdderApplication does all the things we did on the previous slide Run the program and watch it add up numbers
Weird Stuff Stuff we used but didn’t explain:
public class AdderApplication extends Application { public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } private Pane makePane() { GridPane root = new GridPane(); … return root; } } What does this mean? Where is launch? How can we return a GridPane when it says we’re going to return a Pane?
Inheritance Inheritance Explains all the stuff on previous slide
a way of using code that’s been written before without copying it (copying is bad) being a special version of another class a self-driving car is a special kind of car or a more specific kind of another class a Nova Scotian is a specific kind of Canadian Explains all the stuff on previous slide
Special Kinds of Panes More than one kind of Pane in JavaFX
GridPane is one StackPane is another also BorderPane, FlowPane, HBox and VBox Classes arranged in a hierarchy GridPane is a subclass of Pane Pane is the superclass of GridPane
JavaFX Pane Hierarchy (part)
BorderPane Pane is the superclass FlowPane Pane GridPane These are the subclasses Arrows point from subclass to superclass HBox StackPane VBox
Has vs. Is A Scene has a Pane in it A GridPane is a Pane
a Pane is a part of a Scene A GridPane is a Pane it’s not in a Pane it’s a special kind of Pane The Pane a Scene has can be a GridPane this Scene has a GridPane in it the other Scene has a StackPane in it
“Is a” Means… A GridPane is a Pane any method that returns a Pane …
such as makePane() … can return a GridPane … … because a GridPane is a Pane any method that expects to be given a Pane … such as the Scene constructor … can be given a GridPane …
Variables and Objects Scanner object goes into a Scanner variable
Scanner kbd = new Scanner(; Pane object goes into a Pane variable Pane pane1 = new Pane(); But GridPanes are Panes, so… Pane pane2 = new GridPane(); NOTE: Can’t go the other way! a Pane isn’t necessarily a GridPane GridPane pane3 = new Pane();
Declaring Inheritance
Need to tell Java about inheritance my class inherits from this other class e.g. GridPane inherits from Pane Use the extends keyword public class GridPane extends Pane { says that GridPane is a Pane public class AdderApplication extends Application { says …?
The Application Class Application class knows how to do GUIs
AdderApplication extends Application tells Java that our AdderApplication is a GUI in particular, an Application (there are other kinds of GUIs) (no GUI is not a data type in Java) Better yet – inheritance gets you stuff AdderApplication inherits methods
Inheriting Methods If B extends A, then B is an A
Thus, B can do anything A can do because B is an A Our AdderApplication can do anything an Application can do because it is an Application The things A can do are its public methods and B gets all of them!
Inheriting Methods public class A { public void doThis() { System.out.println(“Hello!”); } } public class B extends A {} public class MyProg { public static void main(String[] args) { A anA = new A(); B aB = new B(); anA.doThis(); // prints Hello! aB.doThis(); // prints Hello! (!)
Adding Methods to Subclass
B is a subclass of A (B extends A) B can do anything A can do because B is a A But B could do more just have to tell Java extra things B can do declare them just like any other method
Adding Methods public class A { public void doThis() { System.out.println(“Hello!”); } } public class B extends A { public void doThat() { System.out.println(“Bye!”); } anA.doThis(); // prints “Hello!” aB.doThis(); // prints “Hello!” aB.doThat(); // prints “Bye!” anA.doThat(); // error!
Inheriting Application Methods
Every public method that Application has… …AdderApplication gets (automatically) don’t even need to say you want it! Application has a launch method … knows how to start up a GUI … so AdderApplication has it, too! it’s static, so we can call it from main we do, and it starts up the GUI
The launch and start Methods
The launch method calls the start method start is the method we use to build our GUI every Application must have a start method more about this later In order to get our GUI to do what we want, we need to write our own start method start method needs to declared correctly notation to get Java to check just like the toString method we saw before
Adding Methods Of course, we add our own methods to our AdderApplication makePane, makeLabel, makeNumberField, … We call them when we need them from our start method also in the addButton event handler more on that soon
Inheritance in JavaFX JavaFX uses a lot of inheritance
there is a data type called Control a TextField is a Control a Label is a Control a Button is a Control But it’s much more complicated than that! lots more types of controls arranged in a deep hierarchy
JavaFX Control Hierarchy (part)
MenuBar TextInputControl TextField Control Label PasswordField Labelled ButtonBase Arrows point from subclass to superclass A Button is a ButtonBase A ButtonBase is a Labelled A Labelled is a Control Button CheckBox RadioButton ToggleButton
Inheriting from Subclasses?
You can inherit from classes that inherit a TextField is a TextInputControl a TextInputControl is a Control thus a TextField is a Control Inherit all your super-class’s methods … … including all the methods it inherited TextField inherits all Control’s public methods Control TextInputControl TextField
Why Such a Deep Hierarchy
Because of inheriting methods Class holds all methods that “go together” all Control-y methods in Control extra label-y methods in Labelled extra Label-y methods in Label extra button-y methods in ButtonBase extra Button-y methods in Button extra toggle-y methods in ToggleButton extra RadioButton-y methods in RadioButton And Controls are only part of the hierarchy
JavaFX Node Hierarchy (part)
Controls are buttons and fields and so on Canvas MediaView Group Control Parent Region A Node containing other Nodes Node Pane Circle Panes are used to lay out controls Line Rectangle Shape Text Not to be confused with a Label
Last Weird Thing Making the Buttons act: Which is actually short for:
btn.setOnAction( (ActionEvent event) -> { System.out.println("Hello World!"); }); Which is actually short for: btn.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { }
Event Handlers Buttons need event handlers
objects that handle events on the button it knows what to do when that event happens such as when the user clicks that button which is what the onAction handlers do The setOnAction method expects to be given an EventHandler object one that knows how to handle ActionEvents
EventHandlers EventHandler objects need a handle method
EventHandler<ActionEvent> objects have a handle method that accepts ActionEvent objects there are other kinds of events… To get our event handler to do what we want it to do, we need to write our own handle method and we get Java to check it’s the right declaration by using notation
Anonymous Classes The long version uses an anonymous class
a class that has no name We could use a named class! EventHandler<ActionEvent> myHandler; myHandler = new MyButtonActionHandler(); btn.addOnAction(myHandler); and that named class would need to have the handle method in it, and say that it’s an EventHandler of the right kind (lots of work)
Lambda Expressions The short version is even better
a lot less writing involved accomplishes the same result set an onAction handler for the button Don’t even need to say it’s an EventHandler setOnAction knows it needs an EventHandler and EventHandler knows it needs a handle method so Java can figure it all out!
Inheritance? We can create EventHandler objects
Do they inherit from EventHandler class? not actually! Something different, but very similar they implement rather than extend more on the difference next week!
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