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Exhausted Overwhelmed Overscheduled Anxious Isolated Dissatisfied Resentful Irritable.

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2 Exhausted Overwhelmed Overscheduled Anxious Isolated Dissatisfied Resentful Irritable


4 to be, with a whole-hearted,
“Simplified living is about more than doing less. It’s being who God called us to be, with a whole-hearted, single-minded focus. It’s walking away from innumerable lesser opportunities in favor of the few to which we’ve been called and for which we’ve been created.” - Bill Hybels

5 It requires uncluttering your soul… You can stop doing the stuff
“Simplified living requires more than just organizing your desk drawer. It requires uncluttering your soul… You can stop doing the stuff that doesn’t matter and build your life on the stuff that does.” - Bill Hybels





10 Jesus can tell that Martha is “worried and upset over many things,”
but he doesn’t enable such frenetic living. Jesus, instead, affirms the simple choice of worship and fellowship that Mary makes…and invites her to do the same, for her good (as well as everyone else).

11 “When you decide that you never want
to live on empty again, you start paying more attention to the replenishment side of the equation…You will, without a doubt, disappoint some people… No one else can keep your tank full. It’s up to you to protect your energy reserves and priorities.” - Bill Hybels

12 How full is your “energy bucket” now?
When it is full…what does that feel like? When it’s on empty…how does that feel?

13 5 Keys to Energy Replenishment
1.) Connecting With God 2.) Time with Family (Psalm 127:3) 3.) Satisfying Work (Ecclesiastes 5:18) 4.) Re-Creation 5.) Healthy Habits (Exercise, Diet, Sleep)

14 Action Steps: 1.) Take an honest assessment of your
current energy level 2.) Determine “why” you get so depleted 3.) Design a custom replenishment program * Daily, Weekly, Monthly


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