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Classroom Teaching Demonstrations

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1 Classroom Teaching Demonstrations
For Mathematics Lecturer Position

2 Classroom Teaching Demonstration
A candidate for a lecturer in mathematics position will visit our classroom for their teaching demonstration. The primary duty of a lecturer is to teach courses.

3 Purpose of Teaching Demo
The teaching demonstration allows both faculty and students to observe the candidate in the classroom and provide feedback regarding their effectiveness as an instructor. Additionally, the teaching demonstration allows the candidate to meet students we have on campus. We want to attract good candidates to this campus and students attending teaching demonstrations are ambassadors for the student body.

4 Expectations During the presentation, you are expected to be attentive and interact with the candidate as you would your regular instructor. The more students engage with candidates, the better the candidate can imagine what it would be like to work here. After the demonstration, you will fill out a feedback form on the candidate’s knowledge of the topic and presentation style. Focus your feedback on their strengths and weaknesses as an instructor.

5 Evaluating Candidates
Candidates’ presentation style, appearance, or accent may be different than other instructors you’ve had. Your goal is not to compare the candidate with other instructors, but rather to evaluate their potential to be an effective teacher here at UWT.

6 Evaluating Candidates
Consider that candidates who look, talk, or act differently than you or other instructors you’ve had often have much to offer in the classroom because they can expose you to different experiences and perspectives. Push yourself not to simply favor people and styles that are familiar to you. Consider that unfamiliar accents can be challenging to understand on the first exposure, but most people adjust to different accents after a few times.

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