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Leakage Test Stand Improvement Marie Rohrbaugh

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Presentation on theme: "Leakage Test Stand Improvement Marie Rohrbaugh"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leakage Test Stand Improvement Marie Rohrbaugh
Mission Statement: Reduce the effect of fixture leakage on leakage data

2 Background Situation: Goal: External Leakage Testing Important Test
Should be very near zero Goal: Reduce the effect of fixture leakage on test data

3 Highly Concentrated Area
Vent Between O-rings to eliminate pressure build- up Pulse Purge

4 Large Surface Area Large o-ring seals 2 holes 180 degrees apart
Pressurize one side with Nitrogen Nitrogen In Vacuum Chamber

5 Function Tree

6 Block Diagram

7 Voice of the Engineer


9 Constraints Use of Nitrogen Gas 1 psi Vacuum 24V signal power supply
Class10,000 Clean Room SAFE USERS

10 Necessary Tasks Change Plug Design (Interface with the can)
Pneumatics Design/Layout FMEA Software Controls Moog will provide Manufacturing Testing Maintenance and Training Plans

11 Benchmarks Vented

12 Brainstorming Pulse with Nitrogen to both
Large O-rings release to ambient on opposite side Vent hole toggles between Nitrogen and Vacuum

13 Brainstorming Always a Constant flow of Nitrogen to Large Orings
Vent hole Toggles between Vacuum and Nitrogen

14 Brainstorming Constant Flow to large O-ring
Vent hole Toggles between pressurized Nitrogen and Ambient

15 Brainstorming Constant flow of Nitrogen to Large O-rings
Vent Hole has a constant Vacuum

16 Staffing

17 Feedback Improve Block Diagram to include a detailed interface with the AGT and the two systems Team Must Understand functionality Constraints vs. Functions If team believes another way is better, “ OK” Timeline IP considerations: We will work it all out over summer Drawings Test Specifications

18 Questions??

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