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Notes, hand back, reflection, visual journals.

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1 Notes, hand back, reflection, visual journals.

2 Write-On Observations 2015 Term 1

3 Dialogue Nice work keeping punctuation inside the quotation marks! Your next step is to punctuate the rest with commas, and don’t capitalize the pronoun. Common mistake: “I hate gummy bears,” He exclaimed. Correct answer: “I hate gummy bears,” he exclaimed, waving his fists in rage.

4 Also, dialogue needs commas
“I’m down here,” she yelled from the basement.= correct She yelled from the basement, “I’m down here.” Vs. “I’m down here.” She yelled from the basement. = incorrect

5 Run-On Sentences and sentence fragments
A run on sentence is a sentence that has multiple clauses and subjects and verbs and it just doesn’t know when to stop because there is so much to say, but the problem is that when we don’t stop the reader gets tired, annoyed, and confused from what they are reading and they do not enjoy that. Fragments don’t.

6 Show, don’t tell. “Her mom was sick that night” vs.
“She walked into the pink bathroom and saw her frail mother heaving into the toilet.”

7 Women = more than one woman
Woman = one woman.

8 New Paragraphs are for new places or new thoughts.
Transitions are clues. Ex: The next day,… That afternoon,… When Sandra got home,… The thoughts were too much for her to take…

9 The topic was responsibility
Use the words from the prompt in your story, that will help you stay on topic and not get off topic.

10 Your reader cannot read your mind
Your reader cannot know the setting without you saying the setting. The reader cannot know the friend is sick without you saying that the friend is sick.

11 Cookie cutter endings Some conclusions were quite “elementary.” We want to have insightful conclusions that aren’t so obvious that a lesson has been learned. An example of how to do this is to bring an idea or a quotation from the exposition( beginning) of the story and add it in at the end- this is called “bookending” a story and it show maturity in your writing.

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