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KENT vs United States 1966.

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1 KENT vs United States 1966

2 Morris Kent 16 years old and lives in Washington, D.C.
In 1959, at 14 years old Arrested for several house breakings and attempted pure snatching Placed on probation under the custody of his mother Was interviewed often and the courts created a Social Service File on him Arrested in 1961 Positive finger print idea in apartment where he broke in, stole a woman’s property and raped her Morris admitted to the crime and other similar crimes when being interrogated by police Charges 3 home burglary charges 3 robbery charges Two counts of rape

3 Juvenile court or District court
Morris’s lawyer tried to argue that Morris had a mental illness that should provide ground for him staying in juvenile court Two psychiatrists testified that Morris “is a victim of severe psychopathology” and advised that he be hospitalized for observation Attempted to prove that if he was hospitalized, his chance at rehabilitation was probable The prosecutor argued that the seriousness of the current and previous charges against Morris should land him in adult court If a child 16 or older commits a crime that would be a felony for an adult If any child commits a crime that would be life in prison or possibility of death for an adult Based on full investigation, the judge waived juvenile jurisdiction without a hearing Morris was sent to District Court to be prosecuted as an adult

4 Trial Morris was found guilty on six counts of housebreaking and robbery Morris was found not guilty on two rape counts because of proven insanity Morris was sentenced to 30 to 90 years in prison Morris appealed His lawyer motioned that the case should remain in juvenile court due to insanity The case was eventually sent to the Court of Appeals Eventually made its way to the Supreme Court

5 Supreme Court Ruled against Morris
A minor can be tried and punished as an adult Requirements Seriousness of the crime Juvenile’s age Defendant’s criminal background and mental state

6 Impact Provided precedent for trying a minor in adult court
Treatment of juveniles varies from state to state Most states—those under 18 can be tried for serious crimes Murder Sexual assault Possession or sale of drugs Punishments can range up to life in prison without possibility of parole 2005--Supreme Court ruled that minors cannot face the death penalty for it violated the defendants' 8th amendment against “cruel and unusual punishment”

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