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Arthropods Phylum Arthropoda.

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1 Arthropods Phylum Arthropoda

2 Phylum Arthropoda Over 900,000 Species “Jointed Legs”
External Skeleton made of Chitin - strong flexible polysaccharide - Molting to grow Compound Eyes: many individual light detectors each with their own lens Includes: crayfish, lobster, centipedes, millipedes, shrimp, spiders, insects

3 Ancient Arthropods Trilobites

4 Subphylum Crustacea Copepods Daphnia Barnacles
Isopods = Sow Bugs, Pill Bugs Japanese Spider Crab Crayfish, Lobster, Crabs, Shrimp


6 Subphylum Chelicerata
Spiders Scorpions Mites, Ticks Sea Spiders Horseshoe Crabs

7 Subphylum Myriapoda Millipedes Centipedes


9 Class Insecta 3 body segments: Head, Thorax, Abdomen
Study of = Entomology Insect Development - Incomplete Metamorphosis: a nymph hatches from an egg and slowly develops into an adult; nymph looks like miniature adult without wings Complete Metamorphosis: insect undergoes two stages of development between egg & adult




13 Classification Common Name: Crayfish
Scientific Name: Cambarus acanthura Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Crustacea Other: Order: Decapoda “Crawfish”, “Crawdad”

14 Major Characteristics
Body Plan: Cephalothorax (fused head and thorax), Abdomen Body Cavity: Coelom Symmetry: Bilateral Cell Specialization: Organs Other: Appendage specialization



17 Life Support Processes
Absorption: Intestine Feeding: Detritus feeders, Mandibles = mouthparts Digestion: Stomach lined with teeth, Digestive glands near the stomach Respiration: Feather-like Gills, as it walks the legs circulate water over them Circulation: Heart - Open Circulation - Sinuses; Hemolymph = fluid



20 Life Support Processes
Excretion: Anus, Green Glands - eliminate excess water, Gills Secretion: Digestive Glands Response: Brain, Nerve cord, Ganglia, Sensory hairs in antenna & antennules (taste, touch, balance), Compound eye Movement: Walking Legs, Swimmerets, Uropod, Telson Reproduction: Male uses swimmerets to deposit sperm on the females telson


22 Life Support Processes
Support: Exoskeleton - Molts in order to grow in size - very vulnerable


24 Ecological Relationships
Aquatic Terrestrial Detritus Feeders

25 Body Systems Compared With Humans
Specialized Appendages Movable Mouth Parts

26 Advancements Over The Previous Phylum
Gills Appendages Nervous System

27 Awesome Arthropods! The largest Lobster species is the North Atlantic lobster (Homarus americanus). The largest ever caught weighed 44 lb. 6 oz. And measured 3 ft. 6 in. ! (Mmmmm, yummy!) The largest of all crustaceans is the Giant Spider Crab. It’s body can reach a size of in. and have a claw span of 8-9 ft. !



30 Goliath Spider Orb Weaver Spider - largest web18 ft. circumference

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