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Adjectives in Arabic.

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1 Adjectives in Arabic

2 Adjective in Arabic Big: (Kabeer )كبير for masculine and Big: (kabeera ) كبيرة for feminine Small: (Sagheer) صغير for masculine and Small: (sagheera ) صغيرة for feminine Beautiful: (Jameel) جميل for masculine and Beautiful: (jameela )  جميلة for feminine) Short ( Qaseer) قصيرfor masculine and Short (Qaseera) قصيرةfor feminine Long (Taweel) طويل for masculine and Long (Taweela) طويلة for feminine

3 Dual Adjectives in Arabic:
To form a dual masculine adjective in Arabic we simply add “aan” “ان ” to the end of the adjective, note that you can do that even with adjectives starting with “a” “ أ ”, Big è kabeer كبير  (masculine singular) è Big è  kabeeraan  كبيران (masculine dual) Blue è azraq أزرق (masculine singular) è Blue è azraqaan أزرقان (masculine dual) To form a dual feminine adjective add “ataan” “ تان ” to the masculine adjective: Big è kabeer كبير  (masculine singular) è Big è  kabeerataan  كبيرتان (feminine dual) For adjectives starting with “a” “ أ ” the dual feminine will take the “?a??awataan” form, by replacing the question marks with our consonants: Blue è azraq أزرق (masculine singular) è Blue è zarqawaan زرقاوان (feminine dual) (after replacing the “?” of ?a??awataan with azraq consonants)

4 Example A small house: baitun sagheer بيت صغير ( literally is house small but means ( small house)

5 Project rubric الجسم ) Al jesm ) The body
You and 2 more students build a snow man or other character ( 3D) out of cotton ball and it should be labeled with 5 body parts and 4 5 adjectives grading is as follows 1- character is properly build ( neat and put together ) pts 2- 5 body parts labeled and spelled in Arabic pts 3- 5 adjectives are with all five body parts ( you may repeat as for feminie and masculine ) pts 4 – presentation pts ( all students should present ( due date is Friday November 30th

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