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IGIC/ISPLS Geodetic Control Workgroup

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1 IGIC/ISPLS Geodetic Control Workgroup
Co-Chairs Eric Banschbach & Matthew Healey Phil Worrall, IGIC Executive Director

2 IGIC/ISPLS Geodetic Control Workgroup
Current Initiatives Height Modernization Indiana Geospatial Coordinate System (Low Distortion Mapping Projections)

3 Height Modernization The establishment of accurate, reliable heights (elevations) using GPS technology in conjunction with traditional leveling, gravity and remote sensing information. Height Modernization Program Objectives: Improve transportation systems by reducing design and construction costs. Accurate determination of floodplains Study runoff amounts and effects Improving agricultural yields Improving Coastal Resources

4 IGIC/ISPLS Geodetic Control Workgroup
Current Initiatives - Height Modernization Densification of benchmarks via GPS observations and limited differential leveling Program is being implemented in INDOT districts, using INDOT staff & on-call consultant contracts. Funding has been obtained for multiple years (on a yearly basis) through Special Projects Research program. Ongoing work in 5 INDOT districts in 2016

5 Indiana Geospatial Coordinate System (InGCS)
The Indiana Geospatial Coordinate System (InGCS) A new coordinate reference system designed to bridge the data and workflow gap between Land Surveying, GIS, and the larger geospatial community. Southwest Chapter ISPLS Seminar

6 IGIC/ISPLS Geodetic Control Workgroup
Current Initiatives - Low Distortion Mapping Projections Development of “County” coordinate systems – Indiana Geospatial Coordinate System Reduces need for scaling state plane to ground Removes/reduces use of quasi-state plane coordinates

7 Indiana Geospatial Coordinate System (InGCS)
Map Projections & Grid vs. Ground “Grid vs. Ground” refers to the difference in distance between a pair of projected grid (map) coordinates when compared to the ground-measured horizontal distance. Generally expressed as: Feet per mile Parts per million (PPM) Example: 1’/mile=±189ppm

8 Indiana Geospatial Coordinate System (InGCS)
Low Distortion Projections Advantages of LDP’s over “scaling each project to ground”: Directly tied to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) Not anchored/dependent upon local, physical monuments Intended to cover much larger regions Commercially available (incorporated into commercial Surveying, CAD, & GIS software)

9 IGIC/ISPLS Geodetic Control Workgroup
2016 Accomplishments - Height Modernization GPS Observations on 20 new stations in Seymour District Finalized adjustment of GPS observations for Vincennes District and submitted to NGS. Completed differential leveling for Seymour District (6 reset marks) Completed recon of existing stations in Crawfordsville & Greenfield Districts. Submitted preliminary data for Seymour District to NGS Seymour District project nominated for ACED Engineering Excellence Award Received $315k of funding through SPR for 2017.

10 IGIC/ISPLS Geodetic Control Workgroup
2016 Accomplishments - Indiana Geospatial Coordinate System (InGCS) Published Handbook and User Guide to InGCS webpage (hosted by INDOT) Continued push for software vendors to integrate – 24 total Completed multiple seminars – ISPLS Convention, Indiana GIS Conference, Purdue Road School & INDOT Districts Continued work on updates to the INDOT Survey Manual

11 IGIC/ISPLS Geodetic Control Workgroup
2017 Goals: Continue to pursue funding through SPR and any other available sources for height modernization Finalize implementation of InGCS Quantify the benefits of height modernization and InGCS programs Provide additional training and seminars on use of InGCS.

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