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Unit One Test Review.

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1 Unit One Test Review

2 Students to learn one or more languages in school.
SURVEY SAYS….. To solve the problem of so many languages, European nations require…… Students to learn one or more languages in school.

3 SURVEY SAYS….. Most Italians and Germans live in rural or urban areas?

4 SURVEY SAYS….. An important natural resource in Germany is… COAL

5 SURVEY SAYS….. What conditions keep Russia from using their vast natural resources? The harsh climate and geography

6 SURVEY SAYS….. Jews, Christians and Muslims all belief in…. One God

7 SURVEY SAYS….. The geographical feature that made it difficult for North Italy to trade is…… The Alps

8 SURVEY SAYS….. Language, religions, and beliefs are all part of a country’s…. Culture

9 SURVEY SAYS….. What physical feature separates Europe from Asia?
The Ural Mountains

10 SURVEY SAYS….. What did the nuclear accident in Chernobyl do to the ground and surface water? The radiation levels contaminated it.

11 SURVEY SAYS….. In Europe, one of the worst environmental problems is caused by acid rain, bad health, or dancing in the street? ACID RAIN

12 SURVEY SAYS….. What causes the United Kingdom to have mild climate?
The Gulfstream

13 SURVEY SAYS….. Why are other countries concerned about the nuclear accident in Chernobyl? Air currents carry radioactive particles to other countries.

14 SURVEY SAYS….. Why can’t Russia use much of the natural resources found in Siberia? Harsh Climate

15 SURVEY SAYS….. What type of economy would a country most likely have if they have abundant natural resources? GOOD

16 SURVEY SAYS….. What is a main cause of acid rain in Germany?
Coal burning factories

17 SURVEY SAYS….. The cities of London and Moscow are located in water which contributed to the success of their… TRADE

18 Automobile emissions SURVEY SAYS…..
The major cause of air pollution in the United Kingdom today is….. Automobile emissions

19 SURVEY SAYS….. The solution to Germany’s acid rain problem that is the hardest is….. Stopping other countries from using fossil fuels

20 SURVEY SAYS….. The country with the largest land mass in Europe is…. Russia

21 SURVEY SAYS….. The variety of languages in Europe shows that language is (central, or not central) to European cultures. CENTRAL

22 SURVEY SAYS….. Because European countries are so close together and relatively small, people will often speak more than one …. LANGUAGE

23 Radiation levels made it unsafe
SURVEY SAYS….. Why did radiation levels cause people to leave after the Chernobyl nuclear accident? Radiation levels made it unsafe

24 Cleaner Coal SURVEY SAYS…..
What solution began to reduce air pollution in the United Kingdom? Cleaner Coal

25 Mild climate SURVEY SAYS…..
What condition helped the United Kingdom become a leader in world trade? Mild climate

26 What are some effects of acid rain?
SURVEY SAYS….. What are some effects of acid rain? Vegetation dies, water contaminated, health of people is endangered

27 AND THE WINNER IS…… We are all……The Unit One test will be… EASY!

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