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2019 Wednesday 24th – Friday 26th April 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "2019 Wednesday 24th – Friday 26th April 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 2019 Wednesday 24th – Friday 26th April 2019

2 Staffing Onyx Mrs Hill Mrs Cornell Mrs Bremerkamp Emerald Mrs Muir
Emerald Mrs Muir Mrs Allingham Mrs Stanley Ruby Miss Krangel Mrs Turner Mr Corcoran Senior Leader attending: Mr Mazza

3 Morning of Departure I will be on coach A/B
Children will receive a label like this the day before departure: I will be on coach A/B Arrive at school at 8:35am. Leave my suitcase by my coach. Give my medication and money to my teacher. (all medication must have a Loose Primary School medication form attached to it) Go straight to my classroom.  Your parents will wait for you by the coach and wave goodbye to you at 9:15am

4 During the Visit The school office will inform parents that we have arrived safely at Sayers Croft. During the three days, Twitter and our school website will be updated with photos from all three classes. All staff carry children’s medical and emergency contact details for their class. Any minor communication needed will be via our school office. In an emergency class teachers will make direct contact with parents.

5 Itinerary - Ruby

6 Itinerary - Onyx

7 Itinerary - Emerald

8 Kit A variety of old clothing that caters for multiple weather conditions. Separate old clothing and shoes for raft building. A comfortable backpack to carry on some activities. Camera.

9 Return Arrangements We will text parents when the coaches leave Sayers Croft We aim to arrive back at school between 3:00pm and 3:30pm We will text parents if we believe we will be significantly delayed

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