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Mosquito GluCl alignment and anti-AgGluCl IgG specificity.

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1 Mosquito GluCl alignment and anti-AgGluCl IgG specificity.
Mosquito GluCl alignment and anti-AgGluCl IgG specificity. (A) ClustalW alignment of predicted amino acid sequences for the glutamate-gated chloride channels AgGluCl-b (AGAP001434) from Anophelesgambiae and AaGluCl (AAEL003003) from Aedesaegypti. Black bars denote transmembrane domains, asterisks indicate identical residues, and colons and full-stops indicate conservation between groups of strongly and weakly similar properties, respectively. (B) Western blot of anti-AgGluCl IgG against the AgGluCl extracellular domain. (C) C6/36 cells transfected with AgGluCl and eGFP (green). Cells were immunostained for anti-AgGluCl IgG (pink) and DAPI (blue) (Habluetzel et al., 1997). Jacob I. Meyers et al. J Exp Biol 2015;218: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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