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Second Grade Classroom News

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1 Second Grade Classroom News
Mrs. Williams Second Grade Classroom News September 11, 2017 Dear Parents/Guardians, Each week you will receive this newsletter which contains what we are learning about, important dates, spelling words, and homework. Any letters that I have sent home will also be posted on my website. Just click on “Letters from the Classroom” and choose which letter you need to view. As you may have noticed, on Fridays students will bring home a journal. Students are to share these with you, then return them to the school on Monday. We will use these all school year. I look forward to working with you all this year! Please contact me if you have any questions! Sincerely, Mrs. Williams Reading: We are working on identifying the plot in the story (Beginning, Middle, and End). Students will also be working asking and answering who, what, where, why, & how questions to demonstrate understanding Grammar: We are reviewing complete sentences and correct punctuation. Important Dates: Friday, October 6th - No School (Professional Development for Teachers.) Writing: We are launching our Writing Workshop. In the first unit the students learn the routines of writing workshop. This year we want students to see themselves as authors and members of a writing community. Spelling: Students will be accessed this week and assigned spelling lists for next week. A list will be sent home on Monday. You will also have access to the list on Your child can logon and find his/her list. I will also list them on the newsletter each week. Science: We will begin our Unit on Matter the week of the 19th Social Studies: We are beginning our first Unit on “Our Community”. Key terms students will be learning: -Family - Community - Natural & Human Characteristics -location -businesses -transportation Math: We are working on our first Unit: Establishing Routines. Students are reviewing and learning about math in their new classroom. Students brought home a Unit Letter on Friday. Contact Information: Ext: 5328 Teacher

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