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Vocabulary Set 2 English 3.

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1 Vocabulary Set 2 English 3

2 Root: Ten/Tin/Tain From the Latin verb tenere and the related word tenax, basically means “hold” or “hold on to.”

3 Abstinence Definition: Holding oneself back voluntarily from indulging an appetite or craving. Sentence: Burned out too many wild nights, she moved to the country and took up a life of abstinence.

4 Tenacious Definition: Stubborn or persistent in clinging to a thing.
Sentence: He was known as a tenacious reporter who would stay with a story for months, sometimes risking his health and even his life.

5 Tenable Definition: Capable of being held or defended; reasonable.
Sentence: She was depressed for weeks after her professor said that her theory wasn’t tenable.

6 Sustenance Definition: (1) Something that gives support or strength. (2) Food, nourishment. Sentence: Napoleon’s invading army, forced to turn back from Moscow by the terrible Russian winter, ended up eating its horses when all other sustenance ran out.

7 Root: Vinc/Vict Comes from the Latin verb vincere, which means “to conquer” or “to overcome.”

8 Evince Definition: To be outward evidence of; show or reveal.
Sentence: As a witness she evinced honesty and dignity, and the jury was favorably impressed.

9 Invincible Definition: Incapable of being conquered or overcome.
Sentence: The supposedly invincible Spanish Armada was defeated by a fleet of small English ships in 1588.

10 Provincial Definition: (1) Having to do with a province. (2) Lacking polish, culture, and broad experience. Sentence: They were both by now sick of Chicago and would gladly have exchanged the fast life for more provincial pleasures.

11 Victimize Definition: To make a victim of; trick, deceive, or injure.
Sentence: Like most tourists there, we were victimized by the local merchants and guides.

12 Root: Vers/Vert From the Latin verb vertere, means “to turn” or “to turn around.”

13 Divert Definition: (1) To turn from one purpose or course to another. (2) To give pleasure to by distracting from burdens or distress. Sentence: The farmers successfully diverted some of the river water to irrigate their crops during the drought.

14 Perverse Definition: (1) Corrupt; improper; incorrect. (2) Stubbornly or obstinately wrong. Sentence: The unsuspected murderer had apparently felt a perverse desire to chat with the police.

15 Avert Definition: (1) To turn away or aside (especially one’s eyes). (2) To avoid or ward off; prevent. Sentence: General Camacho’s announcement of lower food prices averted an immediate worker’s revolt.

16 Versatile Definition: (1) Turning easily from one skill to another. (2) Having many uses. Sentence: The versatile Gene Kelly acted, sang, and directed—and dazzled America with his dancing.

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