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The ARTC Safety Management System Presentation 1/3

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Presentation on theme: "The ARTC Safety Management System Presentation 1/3"— Presentation transcript:

1 The ARTC Safety Management System Presentation 1/3
An introduction to the SMS Project March 2012 This is a controlled document Version A Authorised date: Authorised by General Manager Risk & Safety

2 This presentation: provides a brief introduction to ARTC’s project to update the Safety Management System (SMS). This presentation will answer the following questions: what is the safety management system? what has changed? why has it changed? how does it apply to you? what is expected of you? This presentation applies to all employees, contractors and anyone interested in understanding ARTC’s SMS

3 What is the Safety Management System (SMS)?
The SMS is - the activities, practices, procedures, processes and resources that develop, implement, achieve, review and maintain safety objectives, including legislative requirements. Put more simply the SMS is - All the things we do to keep people safe while we operate the rail network and do work on track The SMS is documented so that it can be effectively communicated and applied.

4 What is the ‘SMS Project’?
The project is: Changing the old SMS to a newly formatted SMS Simplifying processes and reducing duplication Improving links to requirements Delivering continuous improvement END RESULT: less documents but better compliance management and better communication

5 Currently, the SMS (and business) documents fit into one of the following categories –
The current SMS was documented some time ago, and as new documents were written, or old documents were updated, the relationships between documents, has became less clear. Changes to legislation and changes in the organisation’s structure meant that it was a good time to undertake a comprehensive review of the SMS, and so the SMS Enhancement Project began.

6 The most noticeable change in the newly updated SMS is at the corporate level. The Project has:
- Created Governing Processes, as diagrams, with ‘shape data’ and hyperlinks - established a new definition for ‘policy’ and how policies are approved. - Improved processes for ongoing review and improvement of the SMS - Improved mapping to compliance requirements As documents are reviewed by process owners, these changes will cascade into operational documents

7 While the document hierarchy hasn’t changed greatly, the creation of diagrams to communicate processes is a new way of communicating SMS before updating.. SMS after updating.. So what else has changed…?

8 What else has changed? Web-based publishing of Microsoft Visio® diagrams allows simple diagrams to replace procedures, improving understanding and reducing documentation. Separation between ‘corporate’ and ‘operational’ documents simplifies communication and implementation. References to requirements provides evidence of compliance. Identifying Process Owners and Process Coordinators with responsibility to ensure all processes are maintained and improved.

9 Why has it changed? Addresses some weaknesses in current system
Ensures ARTC is able to clearly communicate what is required Builds continuous improvement into the business

10 How does it apply to you? Process Owners / process coordinators / procedure owners: You will be responsible for ensuring your processes, and documents are maintained in accordance with the governing processes. Alliance Partners: You will need to review your operational documents to ensure they are aligned with the updated SMS. Employees and Contractors: You will continue to follow processes, work instructions and other directions that apply to your work.

11 What is expected of you? Process Owners/Coordinators : You will need to review your processes in light of the new governing processes and frameworks to ensure you meet the requirements. Alliance Managers: You will need to review alliance documentation to ensure it is aligned, and compliant. Employees and contractors: You will be provided further information when relevant documents are updated. The approved process for communicating changes to documents will be applied.

12 The End This presentation is the first of three related presentations.
You can view the other presentations by selecting the links below Introduction to the SMS Project Introduction to the SMS (yet add link to next presentation) Working for ARTC – what you need to know (yet add link to next presentation) If you have any questions, or would like to suggest improvements, please the project team at: Thank you!

13 Document Information Approval Date: Version:
Purpose: This is the first of 3 presentations on the ARTC SMS, this document provides a brief introduction to the project to update ARTC’s Safety Management System (SMS). Scope: This document applies to all persons who need to access or refer to ARTC’s SMS. Responsibility: The General Manager Risk & Safety is responsible for this document. Communication: This presentation will be available on ARTC intranet and extranet. Regulatory Requirements: (add reference to regulations).

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