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2019 K-12 Budget Review Putting Dollars in Classrooms

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1 2019 K-12 Budget Review Putting Dollars in Classrooms
Alabama State Department of Education SBOE Work Session April 12, 2018

2 Overall Total increased state funds for K-12 - $168.8 million Education Trust Fund $122.6 million ETF Advancement and Technology Fund $41.2 million Public School Fund (Capital Purchase) $5 million Total Foundation Program increased $113.3 million 2.5 % Pay Raise

3 Classroom Instructional Support

4 Reduced Divisors

5 Other Foundation Items
Certified Salaries and Benefits allocation up $71.4 million Other Current Expense increased $17.6 million School Nurses Program and Technology Coordinator line items received combined increase of $2.7 million Transportation Operations increased $6.1 million School Bus Fleet Renewal allocation increased from $6,344/bus to $7,109/bus for a total gain of $2.6 million

6 ETF Advancement and Technology Fund
Supplemental Appropriation - $41.2 million Allowable uses expanded to include school security measures Other allowable uses Facility repairs or deferred maintenance Classroom instructional support Insuring facilities Transportation Purchase of education technology and equipment

7 Alabama Reading Initiative
$4 million increase for FY 2019 Four-Point Plan Performance Incentive - Award $20,000 to each of the 50 schools in Alabama that show the greatest growth in Grade 3 reading between the Fall 2017 administration of the state assessment and the Spring 2018 administration of the state assessment - $1 million Fund approximately 12 Regional Reading Coaches to help improve reading instruction in underperforming schools - $1.3 million Identify the lowest-performing schools with a Grade 3 and create a Summer Reading Enrichment Program to enable students in these schools to enhance reading capabilities and to offer professional development to school personnel - $500,000 Enhance Reading Coach allocations to LEA’s - $1.2 million

8 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
2019 Appropriation up $1 million to $10,427,424 Provides annual supplement of $5,000 to Nationally Board-Certified Teachers (NBCT) Expanded incentive (additional $5,000 supplement) for NBCT in an instructional assignment in a challenging, high poverty school Conditions - (a) Teacher holds a valid NBPTS certificate in Literacy, English as a New Language, Math, Science, or Career and Technical Education; and (b) School has been on the "Failing School" list 3 of the last 5 years; and/or (c) School has a graduation rate more than 10% less than the state average for 2 of the 3 most recently posted years; and/or (d) School has a free and reduced federal lunch student percentage of 75% or greater as determined by the most recent data posted

9 Jobs for Alabama’s Graduates (JAG)
2019 Appropriation up $250,000 to $1,050,742 31% increase to provide for program expansion

10 Official Budget Documents
ETF Appropriation Bill and Budget Spreadsheet available at and

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