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Jessica Goudy Assistant Registrar - Courses Stanford Medicine
School of medicine curriculum management workshop Academic year Jessica Goudy Assistant Registrar - Courses Stanford Medicine
Objective Review curriculum management process for academic year Three topics covered Overview of systems and deadlines Course catalog management Time schedule management Two supplemental handouts Training Guide Academic Calendar Also available on the Curriculum Management website
The Big Picture: Overview of Data Systems
Peoplesoft Database (Course Catalog) Explore Courses Stanford’s Bulletin Med Catalog MedSchool Bulletin OBIEE Course Catalog Data Report Prior Term Copy Feeds previous year’s information into current year’s record PeopleSoft Class Schedule Database Resource 25 MedScheduler’s Scheduling Tool Axess Student Registration System Schedule View CourseLeaf/CLSS Curriculum Planning System
Annual Review Tasks & Deadlines
TOOL May 10, 2019 4:00PM Review of Course Catalog Information BI Course Catalog Report & Add/Update Course Catalog webform May 13, 2019 Prior Term Copy N/A (Completed by SoM Registrar’s Office) June 14th, 2019 June 24, 2019 SoM room requests for required MD courses (all quarters) SoM room requests for all other (all quarters) Smartsheet from Medscheduler July 12, 2019 Time Schedule Updates (instructor, meeting pattern, room characteristics, enrollment cap, etc) CLSS Forms July 31, 2019 Time Schedule Review for Autumn Quarter BI Time Schedule Report October 26, 2019 Time Schedule Review for Winter Quarter February 8, 2020 Time Schedule Review for Spring Quarter April 12, 2020 Time Schedule Review for Summer Quarter
System Workflow PS Webform – Course information: information that will be consistent year over year– populates Explore Courses Course title, description, units, repeat for credit, grading basis, quarter offerings, components PS updates in Explore Courses within the hour of approval CPS Webform - Class information: information that may change year over year (scheduling) Section details, room assignment, instructors, notes, enrollment caps, consent, class status CPS updates immediately for changes that do not require workflow, or immediately after workflow approval
Course Catalog Management March 27 – May 10
Indicates which courses will/will not be offered next year, grading basis, descriptions, units, etc. Pull BI Course Catalog Report Review the information from report Submit changes via Add/Update Course Catalog webform in PeopleSoft Changes only! If the course will be the same as last year, no need to submit a webform
New Resource Central Registrar's Office has created a checklist for curriculum management Phase 1: Maintaining your course inventory – due by prior term copy (May 10th) Inactivate courses that have not been taught in the last three years or that will not be scheduled Review existing course data* Add new courses* Update instructor inventory ning+Your+Course+Inventory (please copy and paste link into browser) *Required
BI Course Catalog Data Report
Go to Search for Course Catalog Data Rpt (PS_SR087) Or, go to Catalog > Shared Folders > Student Administration > Student Records > Course Scheduling Select your department and click Apply Click on the third tab “Course Data Report by Subject and Catalog Number”
BI Course Catalog Data Report
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Changes to be Submitted in PeopleSoft
Course title Course description Add/Drop consent – must be in the comments of PS webform Component (adding/removing) Grading basis* Unit changes* Course attributes (quarter offered) Finals **Cannot be revised after enrollment opens for the quarter
PeopleSoft Course Catalog Webform
Submit any changes through the “Add/Update Course Catalog” In PeopleSoft, go to CS Admin > Curriculum Management > Course and Class webforms > Add/Update Course Catalog
PeopleSoft Course Catalog Webforms
Change effective date to 08/01/ for course information Add all changes Write any relevant information in “Special Instructions” Click “Send for Approval” Submission will be reviewed and approve or reject based on policies Completed each morning, throughout the day pending availability Explore Courses updates within 1 hour of approval
Creating a New Course Complete the Course Submission Form found on the Curriculum Management webpage: management/about/create-a-course.html Accepted before August 1, but should submit by June 24 if a room is needed
Course Catalog Management Review
Deadline to submit course changes – Friday, May 10 at 5:00pm Prior Term Copy will be run week of May 13th Webforms will be closed during this time (May )
Time Schedule Management May 20 – July 31
Enter/revise class details (instructor information, schedule, enrollment caps, crosslistings) On/after May 20th (after prior term copy), pull BI Time Schedule Report Review time schedule for all 4 quarters, Autumn quarter is a priority Submit any schedule changes via CPS CLSS form
New Resource Phase 2: Preparing for room scheduling
Run class meetings report Delete classes that will not be offered Add sections for course Add sections for discussion/labs Review meeting patterns Review requested room capacities Review room characteristics paring+for+Priority+Room+Scheduling (please copy and paste link into browser)
BI Time Schedule Report
Go to Search for Time Schedule (1072-Future) (PS_SR109a) Or, navigate to Catalog > Shared Folders > Student Administration > Student Records > Course Scheduling > Time Schedule (1072-Future) (PS_SR109a) Select Process by ‘Subject” Leave Academic Org (Dept/School) blank Select terms 1202, 1204, 1206 & 1208 (or each one individually if you prefer to have separate reports per quarter) Select your department’s subject (ex. “GENE”) Leave Cognate Status, Component & Instructor to “All” Click Apply Click on second tab “Time Schedule Report” to view report
BI Time Schedule Report
1 2 3 4
Changes Submitted in CPS
Class status: Active, Stop Further Enrollment, Cancelled Enrollment consent (quarterly) Add/remove cross-listing Instructor mode: independent study, in person Instructor/TA information Room assignment - department/Med rooms Room requests – on campus room requests only Class meeting pattern Enrollment caps Notes Create a new section: lab, discussion, independent study Submit changes via CLSS forms from May 20 – July 12th CLSS forms will reopen after room scheduling on July 22nd for final edits prior to August 1 enrollment opening
Adding/Removing Instructors
Instructors can be added and deleted in CPS CLSS Secondary instructors and/or TAs can be added through the same process If the instructor is not listed in the drop down menu, they must be added to the Instructor/Advisor table in PS
Instructor Qualifications
Primary instructor: Eligible faculty are classified as clinical full or associate professor, or full, associate or assistant professor Check StanfordWho Any questions about eligibility, contact for verification If instructor does not meet eligibility they can be listed as a secondary instructor, and require a primary instructor to be listed as a sponsor
Instructor Authorization
Instructors must be approved per department Log into PS, navigate to Instructor/Advisor Table: Main Menu > Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information > Instructor/Advisor Table Enter instructor name, Search Enter effective date 08/01/2019 for classes (always use 08/01 of applicable year) Select Instructor from the Instructor Type drop down Enter Primary Acad Org
Instructor Authorization
Click Approved Courses tab Enter department under Acad Org Save CPS will be updated overnight Process to add TAs is the same, select “teaching assistant” instead of instructor from drop down If an instructor and/or TA are not listed the course cannot be graded, please pay close attention that at least one primary instructor is assigned to each class
Classroom Scheduling: Department Controlled Rooms
If using own department’s space or another department’s space, ensure you have the proper internal approval (if necessary) Add the room to CPS form so that Explore Courses is updated If room not populating, add it to the NOTES section in CPS
Classroom Scheduling: School of Medicine Rooms
Most School of Medicine courses meet in SoM classrooms reserved through the School’s Learning Spaces Scheduling Office, aka “Medscheduler” Classroom and resource information can be found at: (see link to “Annual Scheduling Resources”) All course room and resource reservations should be centrally requested by the Department Course Administrator. Requests from other administrators, faculty, TAs, etc. run the risk of causing double-booking or oversight of important details. Deadline to submit final version is 5:00pm on Monday, June 24, 2019. Questions? (preferred) or call before the Priority Deadline.
Classroom Scheduling: School of Medicine Rooms
SoM course room and resource requests will be submitted in the same method as last year -- via an online Smartsheet form. Course Smartsheets were shared with Curriculum Administrators the first week of April. Notify ASAP if you did not receive yours. Be sure to SAVE your Smartsheet form as you go. After saving and closing, you can log back in and continue to make changes until the June 24 submission deadline. One row per meeting pattern. List ACTUAL Start Date and End Date. Do not include dates during Dead Week and Finals Week if there is no class meeting scheduled. For a course that immediately follows a related course and you wish to schedule in the same classroom, note that on the request form. Similarly, for a course that continues from one quarter to the next. There is no guarantee we can accommodate the request for consistency but we will do our best.
Classroom Scheduling: School of Medicine Rooms
IMPORTANT REMINDERS: Be sure that the course headcount in Smartsheet matches the MAX headcount in PeopleSoft. Failure to do so may result in too small of a classroom being assigned. Consistency in LKSC classrooms is difficult due to breakout sessions for required courses. You may have better results if you request non-LKSC. Courses that adhere to the University Class Meeting Pattern Grid receive higher priority than courses that do not. We will automatically schedule 5 minutes setup and 5 minutes takedown for all courses. The “Comments” field in the form can be used for requesting additional setup/takedown time; this will bump your course to a lower scheduling priority. Once confirmations have been received, forward them immediately to course directors for review. Make sure they understand there is a one-week period where changes can be made without losing priority. After that, we will begin scheduling other non-academic activities and courses will lose scheduling priority.
Classroom Scheduling: Main Campus Rooms
For undergraduate or graduate courses requesting a room on main campus, enter “General Assignment Room” in CLSS forms before July 12. Include the desired room characteristics for scheduling optimization Include reason for on-campus request in comments (***required) Without comment room will not be forwarded to RO for scheduling On-campus rooms are not guaranteed and may be subject to change University Registrar’s Office will schedule a room for Autumn course(s) week of July 15th Winter week of October 7th Spring week of January 20th Summer week of March 23rd
Cancelling Courses Submit a PS webform updating course attributes
If course is offered for one quarter, change to NOTTHIS; if course is offered for multiple quarters, remove quarter of cancellation Include “course cancellation” in the special instructions Update class status to “stop further enrollment” in CPS Class cannot be cancelled with ANY enrollment If no enrollment, update to “cancelled”
Cancelling Courses Cancel room reservation for Med rooms through Med Scheduler website With submission of PS webform, I will the class roster of currently enrolled students Students must be notified by the department and/or instructor of cancellation so that enrollment can be adjusted, cc on notifications, please include deadline to drop (1 week from notification) I will cancel the course on the established deadline and will any remaining students that they have been dropped with the course administrator cc’d
Explore Courses Admin /admin
Looks and functions like Explore Courses Has additional information for the administrator
Reminders Permission numbers: with completion of required training permission numbers can be granted by the department administrator Independent study section: add in CPS and assign appropriate instructor, update instruction mode to independent study and submit for workflow If instructor is not listed, add to Instructor/Advisor table and CPS will be updated over night
Review Course Catalog Management (March 27 – May 10): make sure course information is accurate before prior term copy BI Course Catalog Report Submit Course Catalog webform via PeopleSoft Time Schedule Management (May 20 – July 12): make sure class scheduling information is accurate BI Time Schedule Report Enter changes to CLSS form Classroom Scheduling (May 20 – July 12) SoM Rooms – Smartsheet to Medscheduler (due June 14th for mandatory; 24th for other) Department Rooms – enter in CPS CLSS form after approval (due July 12) Main Campus Rooms – enter “General Assignment Room” and room characteristics in CPS CLSS form (due July 12)
Courses/Scheduling Open Labs
SoM Registrar’s Office/Medscheduler in ALWAY M206 May 7 from 10:00-11:00AM May 23 from 2:00-3:00PM June 7 from 10:00-11:00AM June 19 from 2:00-3:00PMs University Registrar’s Office in 408 Panama Mall, Room TBD April 23rd from 10:00-12:00PM (geared toward new SSOs) April 23rd from 2:00-4:00PM (geared toward new SSOs) April 26 from 10:00-12:00PM May 5 from 10:00-12:00PM Lunch and Learns: Tuesday April 30th from 12:15-12:45PM online (recorded for later access!) y/SASLL/Lunch+and+Learn+Calendar+and+Past+Pr esentations (copy and paste link into browser)
Help Along the Way! Questions during the Curriculum Management process? Download training material at management/about/training-material.html Attend an Open Lab to ask questions in person or call Jessica Jessica Goudy – (650) Questions now?
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