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Partner Book Analysis How is this different from a book report?????

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Presentation on theme: "Partner Book Analysis How is this different from a book report?????"— Presentation transcript:

1 Partner Book Analysis How is this different from a book report?????

2 A book report re-tells a story. A book analysis is one readers interpretation of a book.

3 Your Analysis will… Interpret a book in 4 of 6 sections: – Plot – Setting – Characterization – Theme – Conflict – Reaction/Recommendation

4 The key to an analysis is the support. The writer, you, takes quotes from the novel to emphasize his/her interpretation. Without quotes, youre using literary terms in a book report.

5 How do I do this? --Re-read parts of the book. --Re-read parts of the book. --Refer to your reflections, any notes, or stickie notes, about your book. --These notes will be the possible quotes for your paper. --Follow the outline/organizer and ask yourself the questions from the outline.

6 Remember Youll be graded on : 1.Use of literary terms to analyze 2.Use of quotes to support your thoughts with MLA citations 3.Correct grammar, spelling, mechanics 4.Active voice in 1 st sentence of each paragraph 5.Sentence fluency- sophisticated, varied sentence structures

7 Your paper is a formal presentation of your thoughts, a major grade. Every effort should be made to have this paper error free. Your paper is a formal presentation of your thoughts, a major grade. Every effort should be made to have this paper error free. This is not just homework. This is a major project so this should be the most polished writing that you can produce.

8 Agenda Jan. 2012 Partner Book Analysis English 8Laing (check out the website) Before BreakAssign partners & library search in genre groups R12/22/11HW: Read 1 st 1/4 of book over break W1/4/12Reflection #1 Plot/Predictions F 1/6 HW: Finish reading second 1/4 of book M 1/9Reflection #2 F1/13HW: Finish reading 3 rd ¼ of book M1/16MLK Day No classes T1/17Reflection #3 Theme W/R1/18-1/19C. Lab 304 Outline/Organize/List Intro-plotline analysis section, Begin draft HW: Finish draft of intro/plotline analysis section F1/20Divide and assign middle parts of analysis-Setting, Characterization, Conflict, Theme HW: Finish reading last 1/4 of bookFINISH BOOK M 1/23C. Lab 304Write 1st of 2 middle sections HW: Finish as HW and study for VOC test T1/24Back in classroom VOCABULARY TEST over literary elements W/R1/25-1/26C. Lab 304Write 2 nd of middle sections F1/27C. Lab-- Write Reactions/Recommendations section HW: RD edited & signed by grown-up IN RED M1/30C. Lab 304Graded on red marked RD in class T1/31Final Copy Partner Book Analysis due

9 Contents Your 4 Section Book Analysis consists of: Introduction/Plotline Analysis, Introduction/Plotline Analysis, 2 of 4 of the following: Setting, Characterization, Conflict, Theme 2 of 4 of the following: Setting, Characterization, Conflict, Theme Conclusion/reactions/ Conclusion/reactions/ recommendations recommendations Partner Book Analysis Typed, Double- spaced, 12 pt. font, 3 page min.-5 page max.

10 Polishing, revising 1. Use Active Voice in AT LEAST the 1st sentence of each paragraph 2. KNOW the differences between the following: a. its VS. its its This is a possessive pronoun. The band knew its performance was in trouble when members of the Southwest staff walked in to the hall to watch. The "it" refers to the band. "Its" tells the reader that the band owns the performance. it's This is the contraction, the blending of the two words it + is. When you see this, you will ALWAYS be able to say (in your head) the two words "it is". It's going to be fun to hear the band perform tonight. b. to VS. two VS. too to This is a preposition. "To" will always start a prepositional phrase or an infinitive phrase. I always go to the store to buy candy. two This is the number 2. You usually do not goof of this one. I own two cats. too Here is the tough one. This means "also" or "more than enough" When one daughter got a raise in her allowance. The other one said, "Me, too." (also) After pigging out during Thanksgiving, she pushed away from the table saying, "I ate too much."(more than enough) c. their VS. there VS. theyre their This is the possessive; the word shows ownership. Their house is on fire. there This is the location. This also serves as a VERY weak sentence beginning. Their house is on fire over there. they're This is the contraction. You should always be able to hear the words "they are". They're not in their house over there.

11 3. use the following: 3. Please do not use the following: a.any sentence fragment b.a lot, it's d.I, me, my e.we, us, your g.there is, there are, there was, there were (This includes "There really is....") h.awesome i.due to the fact j.last of all or last but not least k.contractions (joining two words.... won't for will not...possessives are okay) quote without a page number i.questions j.any book title without underlining

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