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What does it mean to get better at history?

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Presentation on theme: "What does it mean to get better at history?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does it mean to get better at history?
L/O – To recognise how we can improve our understanding of the past Starter – How could you get ‘better’ at history? What do you need to do?

2 The History Skills Using Sources Chronology Interpretations
Empathy & Diversity Cause and Consequence Significance

3 The Anglo- Saxons and Vikings
History is… The 20th Century Chronology: putting people, periods and events in the right order! Finish this sentence: Chronology is important in History because… The Romans The Anglo- Saxons and Vikings

4 History is… Using Sources: sources are things left from the past. They are clues that tell us about the past. Finish this sentence: Using sources is important in History because…

5 History is… Interpretations: an interpretation is one person’s version of history. Finish this sentence: Testing interpretations is important in History because…

6 History is… Cause and Consequence: is working out the reasons why things happen and what the results of that event are. Finish this sentence: Cause and consequence is important in History because…

7 History is… Significance: is deciding who or what is important… and why. It is more than being famous. Finish this sentence: Significance is important in History because…

8 History is… Empathy and Diversity: is using sources to work out people’s feelings and experiences in the past. Finish this sentence: Empathy is important in History because…

9 Which History Skill is being used?
Chronology Using Sources Significance Empathy & Diversity Interpretations Cause and Consequence Using Sources

10 Which History Skill is being used?
Chronology Using Sources Significance Empathy & Diversity Interpretations Cause and Consequence Empathy & Diversity

11 Which History Skill is being used?
Chronology Using Sources Significance Empathy & Diversity Interpretations Cause and Consequence Significance

12 Which History Skill is being used?
Chronology Using Sources Significance Empathy & Diversity Interpretations Cause and Consequence Cause and Consequence

13 Which History Skill is being used?
Chronology Using Sources Significance Empathy & Diversity Interpretations Cause and Consequence Interpretations

14 Which History Skill is being used?
Chronology Using Sources Significance Empathy & Diversity Interpretations Cause and Consequence Cause and Consequence

15 Which History Skill is being used?
Chronology Using Sources Significance Empathy & Diversity Interpretations Cause and Consequence Using Sources

16 Which History Skill is being used?
Chronology Using Sources Significance Empathy & Diversity Interpretations Cause and Consequence Empathy & Diversity

17 Which History Skill is being used?
Chronology Using Sources Significance Empathy & Diversity Interpretations Cause and Consequence Interpretations

18 Which History Skill is being used?
Chronology Using Sources Interpretations Significance Empathy & Diversity Significance Cause and Consequence

19 Getting better at History
Which is the best idea about how to get better at History? Arrange the ideas from 1-8 to rank them. Use coloured pens to underline your headings Be able to decide how definite your answer is Write very neatly Write longer answers Know more dates and facts Remember that there are usually several reasons why something happens, not just one Think out your own ideas and opinions using evidence Understand how to use sources as evidence

20 Plenary What does Chronology mean? What are sources?
What does interpretation mean? What does significance mean? What does empathy and diversity mean? What does cause and consequence mean? Name 2 ways to get better at history Did we meet our learning objective? L/O – To recognise how we can improve our understanding of the past

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