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Seventh Sunday of Easter
Welcome to Worship! Seventh Sunday of Easter A candle in remembrance of a loved one
Please join us for Holy Communion!
Welcome to the Lutheran Church of our Saviour! You need not be Lutheran nor a member of this congregation. All are invited to join us at God’s Table. Gluten-free bread and grapejuice are also available. Please join us for Holy Communion!
Today’s Psalm Our Psalm for today is Psalm 1.
We will be singing the Psalm responsively by whole verse.
CHOIR ANTHEM THIS IS MY FATHER’S WORLD Original tune (Terra Patris) by Franklin Sheppard ARRANGED BY CINDY BERRY
Communing Order The Choir will commune with the Ushers
Communing Order The Choir will commune with the Ushers. The Lamb of God will be sung as the Choir approaches the Altar. After the Choir and Ushers have communed, the Ushers will direct the Congregation as always, from front to rear.
Conversations of Faith
will continue Tuesday, May 15th, An informal discussion of Spiritual Quest. ‘Spiritual Reflections for the Every Day’ A Lenten Study of Mission
Pot Luck Luncheon, today, after Worship, in the Fellowship Hall.
Fundraiser for the Waterloo Lutheran Seminary. This is a FaithLife-sponsored event.
The LCOS outdoor Spring cleanup has been postponed until a Saturday in May. Further communication will be forthcoming in the Sunday Worship Bulletin.
Cost of tickets and roundtrip bus transportation is $100/person.
Baseball Fellowship Saturday, June 1:30p.m. VS Cost of tickets and roundtrip bus transportation is $100/person. JUST 10 TICKETS LEFT!!
The LCOS riding team, comprised of David Knipe and Family, will be registering for this event, June 24, 2018, sponsored by the Canadian Mental Association of Grey – Bruce. Please see David for more information.
Vacation Bible Camp Registration is now open!
Session 1: July 9 – 13 (ages 5 -10) Session 2: July 16 – 20 (ages 11-15) Registration is now open! Forms are available in the Narthex or from the Church Office.
Photo Directory Volunteers sought
We’re looking for a few people interested in working on the next Photo Directory Interested? Speak to Pastor Chris or to any member of Congregational Council
Do you have an idea for the congregation or for outreach?
Congregational Council welcomes suggestions for Projects that could be eligible for a Mission Grant from the Synod Please share your idea with a Member of Council or with Pastor Chris
Sign-Up sheet in the Narthex requesting Helpers for Coffee Hour.
Please see the 2018 Sign-Up sheet in the Narthex requesting Helpers for Coffee Hour.
The Witness Committee members are collecting eye glasses and plastic milk bags for Third World Missions and the homeless. Boxes are available in the Narthex for collection.
Also in the Narthex is a collection box for the distribution of evangelical literature through the Christian Salvage Mission….Please donate.
Volunteer Volunteer Worship help needed: Liturgical Assistants Sacramental Assistants Lectors Greeters Service Recorders Ushers & Greeters Interested? Speak to Pastor Chris
For details, please speak to either Gloria Pfeffer or Don Statham.
Applications are available in the Narthex.
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