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DIAGNOSIS DOWNS SYNDROME: (autosomes; trisomy 21)

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Presentation on theme: "DIAGNOSIS DOWNS SYNDROME: (autosomes; trisomy 21)"— Presentation transcript:

1 DIAGNOSIS DOWNS SYNDROME: (autosomes; trisomy 21)
Extra copy of chromo. #21 or #21 attaches to other chromo. 1:800 babies affected, range from mild to severe retardation Prenatal diagnosis Amniocentesis-Remove a small amt. Of fluid from embryonic sac, cells are grown, no cell division allowed, karyotype is done Chorionic villus biopsy- embryonic cells removed directly from the membrane surrounding the embryo; quicker but dangerous Cystic fibrosis (CF) Tay-Sachs disease (TD) ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS: Who lives and dies??????


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