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Electron tomography. Electron tomography. (A) Simian immunodeficiency virus viewed frozen hydrated and unstained in a cryo 300-kV transmission electron.

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Presentation on theme: "Electron tomography. Electron tomography. (A) Simian immunodeficiency virus viewed frozen hydrated and unstained in a cryo 300-kV transmission electron."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electron tomography. Electron tomography. (A) Simian immunodeficiency virus viewed frozen hydrated and unstained in a cryo 300-kV transmission electron microscope; glycoprotein spikes and the internal core are visible. (B) Four 1-nm-thick slices from a tomogram. (C) Computer-generated three-dimensional reconstruction of one viral particle seen in panel B. Bars, 50 nm. Magnification, ×100,000. (Reprinted from reference 85.)‏ Cynthia S. Goldsmith, and Sara E. Miller Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2009; doi: /CMR

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