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NOVEMBER 4 Agenda 11/4Begin story 11/5Finish Story, questions in the back, 6 th period Guest teacher 11/6End of 1 st quarterAll Assignments duefinish questions,

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Presentation on theme: "NOVEMBER 4 Agenda 11/4Begin story 11/5Finish Story, questions in the back, 6 th period Guest teacher 11/6End of 1 st quarterAll Assignments duefinish questions,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NOVEMBER 4 Agenda 11/4Begin story 11/5Finish Story, questions in the back, 6 th period Guest teacher 11/6End of 1 st quarterAll Assignments duefinish questions, correct questions (Career Expo at HS) 11/7TBA; Guest Teacher (I am doing an in-school training) 11/8SSRVocab QuizVeterans Day Assembly Due: Reading Log #8 Due on 11/6: All missing or incomplete assignments, SSR projects TODAY…Review vocabulary, continue discussion, make predictions, begin story

2 Goals…Preview story, vocabulary, suspense, make predictions, class discussion Build vocabulary page 14 Word bank Suffixous Read background for understanding page 15 Discussion: hunting What do you think about hunting. Tell an elbow partner. Share your discussion with class Read Literary focus: suspense on page 15 Preview and make predictions

3 Discussion questions Who has hunted before? What do you think of hunting? Why do you like it? Why do you not like it? Is it morally/ethically right? What are some moral/ethical issues with hunting? Should we consider the animals feelings? Do you think the animal knows he/she is being hunted? What would happen if you discovered you were being hunted? How would you feel? Would you feel differently if you were being hunted? Why or why not?

4 Preview and Make Predictions Look at the pictures on pages 16, 19, and 24 and make predictions in your composition books. What do you think is going to happen based on these pictures? Discuss those predictions with their partner. Be ready to share. Look at the red letters quotes from page 20, 22, 25, 26, 28, and 29. What do you think is going to happen based on these pictures? Discuss those predictions with their partner. Be ready to share. As we read the story we will discuss our predictions and determine which came true

5 Goals…Begin reading, check comprehension, check predictions Review our predictions, to keep them fresh in our mind. Anything that we need to add. Begin popcorn reading on page 17

6 November 5 SSW: Free Write. –10 minutes Continue or begin story: popcorn read Answer Questions at the end Due on 11/6: All missing or incomplete assignments, SSR projects Assessments that must be done by 11/6: I Am poem, Want Ad, SSR/Independent reading project; TREEREEC paragraph assessment will continue and does not have to be done by tomorrow

7 Goals… Continue or begin story, discuss suspense, check predictions, answer questions Continue or begin story Check out predictions, change as needed. What are some of the suspense elements we saw here? Answer questions at the end of the story. Page 31work with a partner Literature for Your Life(all) Check Your Comprehension (all)

8 NOVEMBER 6 End of 1 st quarter SSW: You are walking home from a late movie, and you have to cut through a cemetery. Describe your experience.10 minute Finish Story Begin Questions Correct questions Due Today: All missing or incomplete assignments, SSR projects Assessments that must be done: I Am poem, Want Ad, SSR/Independent reading project; TREEREEC paragraph assessment will continue

9 November 7 SSW: You spent the day with your grandfather. Tell about your day.(2 TREEREEC paragraphs) 10 minutes Finish Reading the Most Dangerous Game; Answer the questions on page 31Literature and Your Life (skip the group discussion one) and Check Your Comprehension 1- 5 *Tomorrow: SSR/Workday; Vocabulary quiz **Change!!All assignments for quarter are due tomorrow. GET YOUR INDEPENDENT READING/SSR PROJECT IN!!!!!!!

10 November 8 Vocabulary QuizNumber your paper 1-9 and leave space. Correct Vocabulary quiz SSR/Work day

11 November 12 Agenda 11/12Finish The Most Dangerous Game and questions; Vocabulary Enrichment ActivityDue Reading Log #9 11/13Guest TeacherRead The Cast of Amontillado, page 4, and answer Check Your Comprehension questions 1-4Use complex sentence structure to answer questions. 11/14Correct questions from The Most Dangerous Game; Finish questions from The Cast of Amontillado and correct 11/15PLC FridaySSR/WorkdayVocabulary Enrichment Activity is due New procedure for Independent Reading…Can make up days before or after school, or during Advisory. Just have the teacher sign off in your agenda.

12 Goals… reading comprehension and complex sentence structure Finish the story, independently or in small groups/partner reads.. Answer questions; turn in (make sure you are using complex sentence structure to answer questions) If you finish before the end of class, Begin reading The Cast of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe on page 4

13 November 13 SSW: You spent the day with your grandfather. Tell about your day.10 minutesat least 2 paragraphs Independent work/Group work, complete assignments as indicated and turn in. Finish The Most Dangerous Game and questions; Vocabulary Enrichment ActivityDue Reading Log #9 Read The Cast of Amontillado, page 4, and answer Check Your Comprehension questions 1-4Use complex sentence structure to answer questions.

14 November 14 SSW: DOLCorrect the sentences Correct questions from The Most Dangerous Game; Finish questions from The Cast of Amontillado and correct Tomorrow: SSR/Work day Due: Vocabulary

15 November 15 3 rd pd, pizza on Monday. Congrats!!! SSR/Work daySilent day for working Due: Vocabulary The Hunger Games Turkey Smash on Monday...Advisory classneed someone to dress up on Monday for a costume contest at the assembly; door decorating –dead line is 11/19; contest; tator eating contest on 11/20--who wants to? We doing the Pie in Face thing all week. More details to follow. Charity dance will be held one day during the week4 cans or $4.00 to get in. Monday--Canned Food

16 What we did this week 1. Read The Most Dangerous Game 2. Questions at the end 3. Read The Cask of Amontillado 4. Questions at the end 5. Vocabulary Enrichment packet *Remember for questions at the end of the two short stories, you must have used complex sentence structure to meet standard. *Reading log #10 is due on Monday…Remember you will be completing another Independent Reading Project at the end of the 2 nd quarter.

17 November 18 Agenda 11/18Go over vocab packets; New Vocab. Packets 11/19TREEREEC paragraph revisited 11/20Continue paragraphs 11/21TREEREEC paragraph assessment 11/22SSR/WorkdayVocabulary Due What you need today…. Reading Log #10 Pen/pencil

18 Goals… Correct Vocabulary Enrichment activity from last week Discuss Vocabulary and make changes as needed Go over new Vocabulary Enrichment activity packetDue Friday!!!!!

19 November 19 DOL TREEREEC paragraph revisited What you need: Pen/pencil TREEREEC paragraph packet Composition Book

20 November 20 DOL TREEREEC paragraph continued What you need: TREEREEC paragraph half sheet Paragraph from yesterday Pen/pencil TREEREEC paragraph packet Composition Book No hall passes today. Make sure you have everything you need.

21 November 21 No hall passes today. Make sure you have everything you need. DOL Where are the questions from the two short stories we read? Please turn those in ASAP. Remember, you must use complex sentence structure. You will be required to Re-do Vocab. Retakes tomorrow TREEREEC paragraph assessment What you need: TREEREEC paragraph half sheet Paragraph from yesterday Pen/pencil TREEREEC paragraph packet Composition Book Tomorrow: Best paragraph due, Vocabulary Lesson 2 due, Vocabulary retakes for The Most Dangerous Game, SSR/Work Day

22 Several of you are missing your questions/answers from the Most Dangerous Game and The Cask of Amontillado. Of those who turned in their questions/answers, several of you forgot you were to write in complex sentences. Please turn in your complete questions/answers ASAP.

23 November 22 No hall passes today. Make sure you have everything you need. SSR/Work Day Best paragraph due Vocabulary Lesson 2 due Vocabulary retakes for The Most Dangerous Game DOL due Monday….Questions and Answers from the two short stories. Complex sentence structure. Go over paragraph assessments

24 November 25 Agenda 11/25Discuss TREEREEC assessments; Complex Sentence Structure(NO Vocabulary this week) 11/26Practice Complex Sentence Structure 11/27Turkey Coloring Pass out TREEREEC assessments…You grade them. How did you do? Trade with a neighbor…Grade them. Do they match? Is it really ready to turn in? If yes, then turn it in. If not, rewrite.

25 Things to avoid in your writing Pronouns: I, you Repeating words Contractions: cant, dont (spell them out can not, do not Words not to use: like, also, so, lots, a lot, cuz Symbols: &

26 Spelling things Theyre, their, there Youre, your New, knew Threw, through Were, where, were Which, witch Whether, weather Allowed, aloud Our, are

27 November 27Happy Thanksgiving 1. Finish paragraph 2. Finish questions from The Most Dangerous Game page 31 3. Finish questions from The Cask of Amontillado page 10 4. Color a turkey, when finished

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