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Validation of gene expression signature as a baseline predictor of the influenza vaccination response in young individuals. Validation of gene expression.

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1 Validation of gene expression signature as a baseline predictor of the influenza vaccination response in young individuals. Validation of gene expression signature as a baseline predictor of the influenza vaccination response in young individuals. (A) The geometric mean of GRB2, ACTB, MVP, DPP7, ARPC4, PLEKHB2, and ARRB1z-scored expression values (response score) was calculated for low, moderate, and high responders in the validation cohort (SDY80). (B) ROC curve for classifiers designed to separate individual participants as high responders versus low responders or moderate responders versus low responders in the validation cohort (SDY80). CI, confidence interval. (C) Temporal behavior of response score in the validation cohort (SDY80) for low, moderate, and high responders. Each point depicts an individual participant, and each point group is summarized by a boxplot. Significant P values are indicated above the data for comparisons of low and high responders and below the data for comparison between baseline and day 1 after vaccination. HIPC-CHI Signatures Project Team, and HIPC-I Consortium Sci. Immunol. 2017;2:eaal4656 Copyright © 2017 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works

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