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Eurostat’s indicators of gender equality

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1 Eurostat’s indicators of gender equality
A dedicated sub-section launched on the website 1

2 Introduction EU policy background: the indicators chosen based on the Women’s Charter (2010), the Strategy for equality between women and men ( ) adopted by the European Commission Objectives: to extend the visibility of gender statistics available in the European Statistical System Criteria: relevance, data availability (freshness, completeness) and comparability; the selected indicators easily understood by users 2 Eurostat’s indicators of gender equality

3 List of indicators - domains
Education Labour market Earnings and social inclusion Child care Health 3 Eurostat’s indicators of gender equality

4 List of indicators - labour market
Employment rates by highest level of education attained  Employment by economic activity Self-employment Persons employed part-time Temporary employees Unemployment Long-term unemployment 4 Eurostat’s indicators of gender equality

5 Example of an indicator on labour market
5 Eurostat’s indicators of gender equality

6 Unemployment rates by gender in EU-27, January 2000 - January 2012
6 Eurostat’s indicators of gender equality

7 Eurostat’s website Internet: 7
Eurostat’s indicators of gender equality

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