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Sixth South Asia Region Public Procurement Conference: Professionalization of Public Procurement for Better Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Sixth South Asia Region Public Procurement Conference: Professionalization of Public Procurement for Better Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sixth South Asia Region Public Procurement Conference: Professionalization of Public Procurement for Better Performance

Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED), Ministry of Planning Bangladesh Shish Haider Chowdhury Director, CPTU

3 Bangladesh Area : 147,500 sq-km Population : 167 million
Per capita income : US$ 1751 Annual national budget : US$ 55 billion Annual development program : US$ 20 billion Procurement expenditure : US$ 18 billion

4 Current Major Activities in CPTU
Restructuring CPTU and Institutionalizing e-GP Enhancing Digitization of Public Procurement Professionalizing Procurement and Citizen Engagement Digitizing Project Implementation Monitoring

5 Legislative and Regulatory Developments
Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) will transformed to BPPA (Bangladesh Public Procurement Authority). -Draft BPPA(Bangladesh Public Procurement Authority) Act 2019 Prepared -Draft Amendment of PPA 2006 is ready -Draft Amendment of PPR 2008 is ready -Draft Organogram prepared

6 Legislative and Regulatory Developments (Contd…)
Proposed Changes/ Additions in e-GP Guideline 2011 is under review Disposal policy is under preparation (ITCILO) Translation of STD (Standard Tender Document) from English to Bangla is under process

7 Status of Introduction and Operationalization of
Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) Data Center and Mirror Data Center Established and Operational Data Centre Design Considerations: Considering 5 years projection Expected Registered Users : 300,000 Concurrent Users:16,000 Expected Procurement: 860,000 Total Bids: 8564,000 Data Center at CPTU Data Center at BCC

8 Status of Introduction and Operationalization of
Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) 2. E-GP system Security Improvement: A. Continuous monitoring of network traffic activities, intrusion, vulnerabilities detection/ protection, blocking is going on using double layer of perimeter firewall from two different vendors, IPS (Intrusion Protection System), SIEM (Security information and event management), WAF (Web Application Firewall), Load balancer to balance traffic within the web servers to ensure highest level of availability, DDoS protection, enhanced gateway security

9 Status of Introduction and Operationalization of
Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) 2. E-GP system Security Improvement (Contd…): B. Number of IT independent Security Audit (Internal/ External) conducted to establish better control as per ISO Standardization C. Intrusion detection and Network traffic monitoring by Government Cyber Incidents Response Team on continuous basis D. Active/ Active components between Data Center and Mirror DC to ensure highest availability of system

10 Status of Introduction and Operationalization of
Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) 3. E-GP system Application Operations/ Enhancement: Contract Management System (CMS) with payment system considering requirement from different agencies Tenders over BDT 100 crore (~ $12 M) now in e-GP System Dashboard in place for Auditor, Post Procurement Review e-GP Mobile Application

11 Status of Introduction and Operationalization of
Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) 3. E-GP system Application Operations/ Enhancement (Contd…): Building National Contractor Database International Competitive Tenders Implementation of complete Annual Procurement Plan (e-GP and Manual) Inter-operability initiative with Central Accounting System (IBAS++) E-GP 24/7 helpdesk is now reachable through short code 16575

12 e-GP: Online Helpdesk System, 24/7
25 Helpdesk Executives Short Code: 16575 Short Code: 16575

13 Status of Public Procurement Professionalization and
capacity building 1. Capacity Building and Professionalization of Procurement A. ITCILO on board since October 2018 B. Conduct Procurement Professional Program, 4 tiers[ Tier-1: Public Procurement Associate, Tier 2: Public Procurement Professional, Tier 3: Advanced Public Procurement Professional, Tier 4: Fellow Public Procurement Professional and Procurement Data Specialist]-ITCILO

14 Status of Public Procurement Professionalization and
capacity building 1. Capacity Building and Professionalization of Procurement (Contd…) C. Different types of training program (last two years) Training Title Nos of training (Batches Last Two Years) Nos of Participants (Last Two Years) Nos of Participants (till now) 1. 3 Week’s Basic Training on Public Procurement 16 485 8586 2. 3 Day PE User Training 253 4871 8588 3. 1 Day Organization Admin 44 512 2771 4. 1 Day Bidders Training 50 928 3407

15 Status of Public Procurement Professionalization and
capacity building 2. Improving Procurement Management of SPSOs and IMED: A. Procurement Cell at 28 NSPSOs (Newly Selected Public Sector Organization) has been formed B. MCIPS courses for Procurement Professionals[200 SPSO officials] C. Masters course in Sustainable Procurement/Procurement Management/Supply Chain D. Conduct Procurement Process Orientation Workshops for 500 senior officials of the SPSOs highlighting their role and responsibilities in public procurement-

16 Status of Public Procurement Professionalization and
capacity building 3. Disclosure of the Public Procurement Information in Open Data Format OCDS (Open contracting Data Standard) work is in progress. Sample Data transformation to OCDS acceptable format already tested Disclosure of Contract Award Data Finalized 3. Citizen Engagement Portal development process is ongoing to accommodate disclosure of data

17 Status of Public Procurement Professionalization and
capacity building 4. Strategic Communication Government Tenderers Forum (GTF), GTF Workshops at District Level e-GP awareness Workshops for Stakeholders at Divisional Level TVC production, News letter publication

18 E-GP Progress 18

19 Major Issues, Challenges and Solutions
1. Keeping pace with continuous Cyber Security threats and Challenges Continuous monitoring of ongoing security treats and protection by up to date security equipment, regular review of code to fix the potential vulnerabilities and regular patching of security updates of system software

20 Major Issues, Challenges and Solutions
2. Over time technology platform of e-GP application software demands upgraded cutting edge technology and latest development environment for better performance and security. Extensive R&D team is required to continuously work on technology platform of the system 3. Procuring Entity level activity logging and monitoring, Data Analysis to find out the current trend/ behavior and foresee of future actions shall be facilitated Use of Business Intelligence tool like SQL Power BI

21 Key Activities Planned for next two years
1. Major e-GP System Enhancements/ Developments plan Framework Agreement Electronic catalogue e-Reverse Auction Forward Auction Contractor Performance Appraisal/ Rating Inter operability with other national systems like National ID system, Electronic Tax system for VAT and TIN Information, IBAS++ system for budget allocation and suppliers’ payment etc Business Intelligence (BI) tool to analysis big data

22 Key Activities Planned for next two years
2. Public Procurement Professionalization Procurement Cells at 28 SPSOs to be operationalized Procurement Process Orientation Workshops for 500 senior officials of the SPSOs highlighting their role and responsibilities in public procurement to be conducted Procurement Professional Program in 4 tiers[ Tier-1: Public Procurement Associate, Tier 2: Public Procurement Professional, Tier 3: Advanced Public Procurement Professional, Tier 4: Fellow Public Procurement Professional to be conducted National Trainers Pool to be increased

23 Key Activities Planned for next two years
3. Training Program: Different types of training program[20 types], 9970 participants in next three years. Introductory Public Procurement Training-online Basic Procurement Training[Three Week], 4000 participants. Specialized Procurement Training[ One week] Highly specialized Procurement Training[two weeks] Procurement Management Training Short Procurement Training

24 Key Activities Planned for next two years
4. Legislative and Regulatory Developments Bangladesh Public Procurement Authority(BPPA) Act to be enacted BPPA to be established BPPA to be staffed as per new organogram PPA Act accommodating sustainable procurement essentials to be updated E-GP guidelines to be updated Disposal policy to be formulated and adopted

25 Thank you

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