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Michael R. Witiw Eleanor W. Close Seattle Pacific University

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Michael R. Witiw Eleanor W. Close Seattle Pacific University Robert J. Myers Institute for Global Environmental Strategies


3 ESSEA 2009 40 + university consortium
Funded institutions offer ESSEA courses for in-service middle and high school teachers Courses are module-based and included content and pedagogy Courses may be entirely online or hybrid online/on-site


5 NSF Geo Teach Program Improve the quality of geoscience instruction - primarily middle and high school Provide teachers with easy access to high-quality curricular materials and current science Implement pre-service teacher training and in-service professional development programs designed to enhance students' understanding of and appreciation for the importance of the geosciences

6 NASA ESTCP Endeavor Science Teacher Certificate Project (ESTCP)
New NASA – sponsored program ESSEA courses count toward certificate

7 ESSEA Course Format Example: for a 16-week, 5 quarter-credit course
3-week introduction/orientation module Four 3-week scenario-based modules Final assignment week

8 Orientation Module Cycle A
Learn about the Earth system science approach through assigned readings and a tutorial Become acquainted with classmates and form teams Cycle B Learn to analyze an environmental event from Earth system science standpoint using Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model Cycle C Reflect on PBL as learner Consider what an instructor does to prepare a PBL module Develop list of criteria for excellent PBL lessons

9 ESSEA Scenario-based Module
Cycle A (one week) Explore prior knowledge and develop problem statement Cycle B (one week) Gather information and build an Earth system model Cycle C (one week) Develop a lesson plan

10 ESSEA at SPU Seattle Pacific University offered in-service courses for middle and high school teachers during the academic year and in summer 2008 Five-credit course winter-spring 2008 Three-credit course summer 2008 Next course – three credits early summer 2009

11 Scenario-based Modules at SPU
Global climate change Brazilian deforestation Mt. Pinatubo Earth system science data and analysis Stratospheric ozone Living things

12 Sample Lesson Plans Global Climate Change Brazilian Deforestation
How does climate change locally affect Earth system interactions? Brazilian Deforestation How does deforestation affect Earth system interactions? Living Things How is salmon life cycle is affected by events in habitat?

13 Teacher comments …thrilled with how much thinking the students were doing …all the students were engaged …all the students could authentically contribute

14 Recruiting for ESSEA Presentations at local schools
s to teachers and science chairs Washington Science Teachers association

15 Contact us: Mike Witiw ( Eleanor Close (
Bob Myers

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