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Valued-Based Leadership and the 7 Outs

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1 Valued-Based Leadership and the 7 Outs
Dr. David B. Ross Associate Professor Nova Southeastern University

2 Please note that all employees, no matter their title and position, are leaders within the organization. Everyone has an expertise to share to make the organization a learning organization. “Systems thinking” involves participation and collaboration at all levels of an organization where there is a common understanding of a system. The discipline helps individuals to predict changing systems more effectively and to act more in tune with the longer processes of the organizations in which we are connected.

3 Valued-Based Leadership
Leading from a foundation of your personal value system within the organization Respect everyone’s thoughts and beliefs Keep the vision and purpose in mind Demonstrate good ethics and social responsibility Influence others in the organization

4 Your Personal Value System
Respect Everyone’s Thoughts and Beliefs Actively value and honor the similarities, differences, and contributions of every individual as a unique and contributing member of your organization. Keep the Vision and Purpose in Mind Be positive representatives of the values, mission, and purpose of both yourself and the organization. Refrain from activities that devalue or do not advance these ideals.

5 Your Personal Value System
Demonstrate Good Ethics and Social Responsibility Operate with integrity in the management and development of capital the organization has assigned you – create a legacy of leaving things better than you found them. Influence Others in the Organization Serve as a positive strength within the organization. In both the leadership and followership roles that you have; create, encourage, and advance the causes and purposes of your organization bringing about positive change as you influence others.

6 Strategic Planning & Leadership Development: How to Create and Enhance Leaders Within Any Organization Answerability and Transparency Character: Influence rather then control Communication: Uninformed - Ask Educate People for the Global World Ideas but how they are “Executed” Teams Win Think: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

7 The 7 Outs Figure Out Find Out Scope Out Write Out Carry Out
Measure Out Shout Out

8 Figure Out Where you are – present position
Where you want to go – plot a course Why does our organization exist? Ask until you arrive at a clear answer Create a plan Cannot implement a meaningful plan until the organization “figures out” what it should achieve

9 Find Out Find out how others are doing How are they achieving
Do not reinvent the wheel Who is already doing it How are they doing it Picking the right people to accomplish the right things in the right way Reduce the thinking of “we have always done it this way”

10 Scope Out Scope out the external environment
External environment is always shifting Gather intelligence of the external environment What are the obstacles Changes that may impact your organization

11 Write Out Write out your plan
Act of committing words: brain thinks about the topic Refines thinking about best way to carry out desires Convey to others what the organization is doing Obtaining the “buy-in” that an organization needs Creates a clear map

12 Carry Out The execution of the plan
The difficult part Challenges – must overcome The team that wins is not the one with the best plan; it is the one that can execute their plan the best 80/20 Principle 20% of all issues surrounding an organization are vital 80% of time spent discussing trivial issues People major in minors

13 Measure Out Evaluate the organization’s actual performance
Focus on indicators that point to the right path to achieve the outcomes Measure progress while en route to the goal A basic measure of the right thing is better than a precise measure of the wrong thing Ladder and the wall

14 Shout Out Shout out the organization’s accomplishments
The more people that know, the better off the organization Internal motivation Recognition Achievement Growth

15 In Conclusion We as an organization and you as leaders need to make wise, value-based decisions Higher-level thinking = higher-level behavior Higher expectations = opportunities to rise to those expectations Need to influence others rather than control them Reduces conflict – increases compromise

16 The Beginning

17 References Carpenter, B. L. (2008). The seven outs: Strategic planning made easy for charter schools. Mt. Pleasant, MI: The National Charter Schools Institute.


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